Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Duke, England, Hawkins, Lane, Reid, Thorne and J Ward.


Cllr England’s apology was due to technical difficulties accessing the Microsoft Teams meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 862 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2020 as a correct record.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2020, be confirmed.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests by Members.


The Chairman confirmed that all Members of the Council had been granted the necessary dispensations to speak and vote on matters concerning the Annual Members’ Allowances Scheme, Annual Budget and Council Tax.


Cllr Thorne had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on the Housing Revenue Account Budget and Housing Public Sector Capital Expenditure Programme 2021/22, considered at minute 124 below.  Cllr Thorne was not in attendance.


Cllr A Wade highlighted the previous non-pecuniary declarations of interests of Members in respect of Community Grants 2021/22, as outlined in the report of the Cabinet dated 3 February 2021.  The decision had been made by the Cabinet to approve a range of revenue and capital grants for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Plan and Annual Budget.  These interests did not require further declaration.


Cllrs Brand and Kangarani, for transparency purposes, declared interests as local business owners in respect of the proposed suspension of car parking charges outlined in the motion considered at minute 123 below.



Chairman's Announcements


Stan Wade


The Chairman referred with sadness to the recent passing of former Councillor Stan Wade on 16 February 2021 and the tributes paid by the Leader of the Council at the Cabinet meeting the following day.


Stan represented the Dibden and Hythe North Ward from 1979-2003 and the Dibden and Hythe East ward from 2003-2015, holding the position of Chairman of the Council in 1995/96.  Stan served on many Committees, most notably the General Purposes and Licensing Committee from 2001-2015, the Planning Committee from 2007-2011 and a range of Overview and Scrutiny Committees.  Stan held the position of Vice-Chairman of the Leisure Services Committee from 1996 – 1999.  Stan also served on a number of Outside Bodies, representing the District Council on the National Park Authority and a number of local Waterside initiatives.


The Chairman highlighted the incredible legacy of Stan in having both a son and grandson as serving Members of the Council in Cllrs Malcolm and Alex Wade.  The Chairman knew Stan personally and considered that he had lost a great colleague.


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman recorded his sincere condolences to Stan’s family and friends and placed on record the Council’ thanks for the eminent service of Stan.


Members of the Council, including Cllrs Malcolm and Alex Wade, added their tributes to Stan.


Community Award – Cllr Penman


The Chairman was delighted to inform the Council that Cllr Penman was to be the successful recipient of a High Sheriff of Hampshire Community Award, for his great work to help vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Totton area.  Cllr Penman would in due course be presented with a certificate in a socially distanced manner. 


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman offered his congratulations to Cllr Penman on this achievement, recognised for going above and beyond the call of duty to help those in need in the community.


New Forest MENCAP


The Chairman informed Members that he was delighted to have been able to attend the virtual AGM of New Forest MENCAP, as Honorary President, on 15 February 2021.




The Chairman highlighted his intention to ask the Council to suspend Standing Order 47.6 to allow the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition to exceed the time limit of five minutes on their speeches under the Annual Budget item.


Members were reminded that a number of recorded votes would need to be taken in accordance with the law.


As there was a substantial amount of complex business on the agenda, the Chairman requested the support and cooperation of Members with the Council’s Ground Rules for virtual meetings, to help with the smooth running of the meeting.


Change to Running Order


The Chairman confirmed that he would use his discretion to make an adjustment to the running order of agenda items.  As item 11 on the agenda set out a motion which had significant implications for the debate and decision of the Council’s Annual Budget, he considered that it would assist in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117.


Leader's Announcements


There were none.



Report of the Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 291 KB

To consider the report of the Audit Committee dated 29 January 2021.



Cllr O’Sullivan presented the report of the Audit Committee meeting held on 29 January 2021, and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr Alvey seconded the motion.




That the report be received and the recommendations be adopted.



Report of the General Purposes and Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 8 KB

To consider the report of the General Purposes and Licensing Committee dated 8 January 2021.



Cllr Clarke presented the report of the General Purposes and Licensing Committee meeting held on 8 January 2021, and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr Tungate seconded the motion.




That the report be received and the recommendations be adopted.



Report of the HR Committee pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider the report of the HR Committee dated 14 January 2021.



The Leader of the Council presented the report of the HR Committee meeting held on 14 January 2021, and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr Steele seconded the motion.




That the report be received and the recommendations be adopted.



Report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 328 KB

To consider the report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel dated 14 January 2021.




That the conclusions of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel in respect of the Call-In request, as outlined in the report, be noted.



Cllr Rippon-Swaine presented the report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel dated 14 January 2021, and moved the adoption of the recommendation set out on the Council agenda, to note the Panel’s conclusions in respect of the Call-In request, as outlined in the report.  Cllr Bennison seconded the motion.


In response to a question regarding the process for implementing a decision that had been called in, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure confirmed that as the decision had received a single call-in request, it was implemented in accordance with the Council’s procedures and placed on the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel.  In this case, the relevant Panel was the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the report before the Council was to note the outcome of that meeting.




That the conclusions of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel in respect of the Call-In request, as outlined in the report, be noted.



Notice of Motion - Suspension of Car Parking Charges

In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr M Wade will move the following motion:-


“In response to the dire local economic situation for both New Forest District businesses and New Forest residents brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns.  In order to support and stimulate local retailers and businesses, encourage New Forest residents to shop locally and help local people,  this District Council will from the end of the current lockdown suspend for six months car parking charges in its town centre car parks.”


Under the provisions of Standing Order 41, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the Cabinet, or to the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels as the Council may determine.  However, the Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if he considers it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business.



The Chairman of the Council used his discretion to take this item ahead of the reports of the Cabinet, in view of the significant implications for the annual budget of the motion.


In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr M Wade moved the following motion:-


“In response to the dire local economic situation for both New Forest District businesses and New Forest residents brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns.  In order to support and stimulate local retailers and businesses, encourage New Forest residents to shop locally and help local people,  this District Council will from the end of the current lockdown suspend for six months car parking charges in its town centre car parks.”


Cllr Osborne seconded the motion.


The Chairman confirmed that, in his opinion, it was convenient and conducive to the despatch of business to deal with the motion at this Council meeting.


Members debated the motion.  Those speaking in support cited the impact of the pandemic on the local economy, including the likelihood that as confidence steadily grew to revisit town centres, this was likely to be by private car until social distancing measures were eased and public transport was again more viable for local people.  The suspension of car parking charges for a temporary period was considered a vital boost in what would be extremely challenging times.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure highlighted his concern for the future of local businesses, particularly those small and medium sized enterprises.  However, he concluded that the suspension of car parking charges was not in the interest of all New Forest residents, considering the impact on the Council’s finances to deliver across its range of services and with a parking clock an affordable way for people to park across all District car parks.  Some Members speaking against the motion highlighted the significant support provided to local businesses through grant schemes and this would continue.  There were concerns raised about the use of £1.4 million of reserves and any future requirement for use of reserves.


The motion was put to the vote and lost.


Note – Cllrs J Davies, Osborne and Rackham requested that their votes in favour of the motion above, be recorded.



Reports of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 438 KB

To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated:-


·         3 February 2021

·         17 February 2021

Additional documents:


All Members of the Council had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on matters concerning the Members’ Allowances Scheme, Annual Budget and Council Tax.


The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 February 2021 and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.


Paragraph 2 – Proposed Implementation of Restrictions Contained in S157 Housing Act 1985 to Restrict Onward Disposals of Council Properties Sold Under the Right To Buy (RTB) in Designated Rural Areas, National Park and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty within the New Forest District Council Administrative Area (Minute No 159)


Members spoke in support of this initiative in supporting the rural communities of the New Forest and in turn helping to deliver more housing for local people.


Paragraph 3 – Freeports Bid (Minute No 160)


The Deputy Leader of the Council highlighted the importance of this work and congratulated the Leader of the Council on his election to the Solent LEP Board, which would only be good for businesses of the New Forest in having local representation at a regional level.


Paragraph 4 – Community Grants 2021/22 (Minute No 161)


A Member of the Community Grants Task and Finish Group highlighted the significant work of the Group to arrive at a robust set of recommendations, which were agreed by the Cabinet for inclusion in the Annual Budget.




That the report be received and the recommendations be adopted.



The Leader of the Council then presented the report of the Cabinet meeting held on 17 February 2021 and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.


Paragraph 2 – Housing Revenue Account Budget and Housing Public Sector

Capital Expenditure Programme 2021/22 (Minute No 170)


The recommendations of this item were put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Alvey, Andrews, Bellows, Bennison, Blunden, Brand, Brunsdon, Carpenter, Cerasoli, R Clark, Clarke, Cleary, Corbridge, Craze, S Davies, Davis, Delemare, Dowd, Dunning, Glass, Gossage, Harris, Harrison, E Heron, J Heron, Hoare, Holding, Hopkins, Kangarani, Kidd, Levitt, McEvoy, Murray, O’Sullivan, Penman, Reilly, Rickman, Ring, Rippon-Swaine, Russell, Sevier, Steele, Thierry, Tipp, Tungate, A Wade and C Ward.


Voting against:- None.


Abstaining:- Cllrs M Clark, J Davies, Osborne, Rackham and M Wade.


The motion was carried, 47 in favour, none against, 5 abstaining.


Paragraph 3 – Medium Term Financial Plan and Annual Budget 2021/22 (Minute No 171)


The Chairman moved that Standing Order 47.6 be suspended to allow the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition to exceed the time limit for making their budget speeches.  The motion was seconded by the Vice-Chairman and carried.


The Leader of the Council made a statement on the budget as proposed in the report of the Cabinet dated 17 February 2021, including a Presentation, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group made a statement, a copy of which is attached to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 124.



Under Standing Order 22.



There were none.



Notice of Motion - LGBT+ History Month

In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr J Davies will move the following motion:-


“This Council notes:


·        February is LGBT+ History Month; and

·        the great strides our society has taken towards accepting and supporting the needs and rights of LGBT+ community, including the recognition of sexuality as a protected characteristic under equalities legislation; and

·        that there are still huge challenges to be faced, including over a third of LGBT+ employees having experienced harassment or bullying at work.


This Council therefore resolves:


·        to declare our support for the holding of a New Forest Pride event to celebrate the New Forest’s LGBT+ Community; and

·        to fly the rainbow flag at Appletree Court throughout the month of February in support of LGBT+ History Month; and

·        To ensure that all Council services, both directly provided and through partners, are fully accessible to all, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity; and

·        To work to provide at least one gender neutral toilet where possible in every public building, including public conveniences, owned or operated by the Council.”


Under the provisions of Standing Order 41, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the Cabinet, or to the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels as the Council may determine.  However, the Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if he considers it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business.



In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr J Davies moved the following motion:-


“This Council notes:


·         February is LGBT+ History Month; and

·         the great strides our society has taken towards accepting and supporting the needs and rights of LGBT+ community, including the recognition of sexuality as a protected characteristic under equalities legislation; and

·         that there are still huge challenges to be faced, including over a third of LGBT+ employees having experienced harassment or bullying at work.


This Council therefore resolves:


·         to declare our support for the holding of a New Forest Pride event to celebrate the New Forest’s LGBT+ Community; and

·         to fly the rainbow flag at Appletree Court throughout the month of February in support of LGBT+ History Month; and

·         to ensure that all Council services, both directly provided and through partners, are fully accessible to all, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity; and

·         to work to provide at least one gender neutral toilet where possible in every public building, including public conveniences, owned or operated by the Council.”


Cllr A Wade seconded the motion.


The Chairman confirmed that, in his opinion, it was convenient and conducive to the despatch of business to deal with the motion at this Council meeting.


Many Members spoke in support of the motion, as a small gesture to promote the Council’s inclusivity to all parts of society, regardless of their background.  The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services highlighted the Council’s commitment to single cubicles in Council public conveniences.


Those speaking against the motion suggested that the Council should not give official approval to any particular groups over others, and that the flying of a flag at Appletree Court should be reserved for those civic functions such as the Union flag.


The motion was put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Andrews, Bellows, Blunden, Brand, Brunsdon, Carpenter, Cerasoli, M Clark, R Clark, Clarke, Cleary, Corbridge, Craze, J Davies, S Davies, Davis, Delemare, Dowd, Dunning, Glass, Gossage, Harris, Harrison, E Heron, J Heron, Hoare, Holding, Kidd, Murray, O’Sullivan, Osborne, Rackham, Rickman, Rippon-Swaine, Russell, Sevier, Steele, Thierry, Tungate, A Wade, M Wade and C Ward.


Voting against:- Cllrs Bennison, McEvoy and Tipp.


Abstaining: Cllrs Alvey, Kangarani, Penman, Reilly and Ring.


The motion was carried – 42 in favour, 3 against, 5 abstaining.




This Council notes:


·         February is LGBT+ History Month; and

·         the great strides our society has taken towards accepting and supporting the needs and rights of LGBT+ community, including the recognition of sexuality as a protected characteristic under equalities legislation; and

·         that there are still huge challenges to be faced, including over a third of LGBT+ employees having experienced harassment or bullying at work.


This Council therefore resolves:


·         to declare our support for the holding of a New Forest Pride event to celebrate the New Forest’s LGBT+ Community; and

·         to fly the rainbow flag at Appletree Court throughout the month of February in support of LGBT+ History Month; and

·         to ensure that all  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Monitoring Officer by not later than 12.00 noon on Wednesday 24 February 2021.)



Cllr E Heron declared, for transparency purposes, a non-pecuniary interest in questions 1 and 5, as a Hampshire County Councillor, National Park Authority Member and a Verderer.


Questions were put and answered under Standing Order 22A as follows:-


·         Cllr Sevier to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman on reducing animal deaths in the New Forest.

·         Cllr Brand to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman on proposals for an average speed camera system to protect animals on New Forest roads.


The Chairman, in view of the length of the meeting and the statutory business later on the agenda, used his discretion to arrange for the following questions to be dealt with in writing:-


·         Cllr Thierry to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Cllr Harris, on government support to local businesses.

·         Cllr Rackham to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services, Cllr Hoare, on recycling rates.

·         Cllr J Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, Cllr Cleary, on homeless children in temporary accommodation.

·         Cllr Brunsdon to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure, Cllr E Heron, on the impact of proposed planning reforms on the neighbourhood plan process.

·         Cllr M Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, Cllr Steele, on the future plans for improving the mental health and wellbeing of New Forest residents.

·         Cllr M Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services, Cllr Hoare, on coastal erosion.

·         Cllr A Wade to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman, on local democracy.

·         Cllr Kangarani to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Cllr Harris, on broadband provision in the New Forest.

·         Cllr A Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure, Cllr E Heron, on planning applications.

·         Cllr M Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure, Cllr E Heron, on the VIVID housing development in Hythe.




A copy of the full questions and replies are attached to these minutes.



Council Tax 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

To set the Council Tax for 2021/22.



All Members of the Council had been granted dispensations to speak and to vote on this matter.


The Council considered the Council Tax for 2021/22.


The recommendations contained within the report were moved by the Chairman with a minor amendment, to replace all references to “Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority” with “Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority”, which would come into being on 1 April 2021.


The Vice-Chairman seconded the motion.


The recommendations, as amended were put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Alvey, Andrews, Bellows, Bennison, Blunden, Carpenter, Cerasoli, Clarke, Cleary, Corbridge, Craze, S Davies, Davis, Dunning, Glass, Gossage, Harris, E Heron, J Heron, Hoare, Holding, Kidd, Levitt, McEvoy, O’Sullivan, Penman, Reilly, Rickman, Ring, Rippon-Swaine, Russell, Sevier, Steele, Thierry, Tipp, Tungate and C Ward.


Voting against:- Cllrs Brand, Brunsdon, M Clark, R Clark, J Davies, Delemare, Harrison, Kangarani, Osborne, Rackham, A Wade and M Wade.


Abstaining:- None.


The recommendations were carried – 37 in favour, 12 against.




1.            That it be noted that on 7 December 2020 the Council calculated the Council Tax Base for the year 2021/22:


(a)          for the whole Council area as 71,538.70 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)]; and


(b)       for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as in Appendix 3 of the report. 


2.            To calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2021/22 (excluding Parish Precepts) is £13,117,360.


3.            That the following amounts be calculated for the year 2021/22 in accordance with Sections 31A, 31B and 34 to 36 of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 as amended by the Localism Act 2011: -


(a)        £140,444,412       being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.


(b)        £120,659,900       being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.


(c)        £19,784,512         being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year.  (Item R in the formula in Section 31B(1) of the Act).


(d)        £276.56                being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by the Council Tax Base, Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).


(e)        £6,667,152           being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per Appendix 4 of the report).


(f)        £183.36                being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128.


Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


There were no changes.