Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Karen Wardle  E-mail:

No. Item


Cllrs Alvey, Mrs Bennison, Mrs Cerasoli, Coombes, Frampton, Mrs Matcham, Mrs Rostand, Mrs Ward and White.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2018 as a correct record.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2018 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest made by any member in connection with an agenda item.


Chairman's Announcements


·         The Chairman announced with great sadness the death on Friday 7 September of Cllr Brian Lucas, who had represented the Totton Central Ward on the District Council since May 2007.   He was also a member of Totton & Eling Town Council, to which he was also first elected in 2007.  During his service on the District Council he was, at various times, a member of the Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel, the Crime and Disorder Review Panel, the Employment, Health & Wellbeing Review Panel and the Housing Review Panel.


The Chairman extended the Council’s sincere sympathy to Cllr Lucas’s wife Linda and their family on their loss.   


Other members paid tribute to Cllr Lucas, saying that he had been a very good councillor and that he had been a pleasure to work with.  They had been deeply saddened to hear of his death and would be sorely missed.


The Council stood as a mark of respect to the late Cllr Brian Lucas.


·         The Chairman drew attention to the fact that a “Tommy” silhouette had been installed at the entrance to Appletree Court.  The “Tommies” commemorated the centenary of the end of the first World War and those who lost their lives.  They were part of the ‘There But Not There’ project.  The Tommies were made by Royal British Legion Industries, by ex-Service Veterans employed by RBLI.


·         The Chairman reported that it was #999 Day which celebrated the work of those who worked in the Emergency Services.  The Emergency Services flag had been flown at Appletree Court to mark the day.


·         The Chairman reported that he had attended a number of engagements, including -


o   Indian Army Obelisk memorial at Barton on Sea:  The obelisk memorial remembered the soldiers from India in World War One and the time they had spent in New Milton.

o   Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service presentation to Pondhead Conservation Trust.  It was noted that the award was the equivalent of an MBE and was only granted to organisations run entirely by and with volunteers.  The award was therefore very well deserved.

o   An exhibition at St Barbes Museum, Lymington, which had raised funds for Oakhaven.


·         The Chairman reported that he would be holding a Charity dinner at Beaulieu Palace on 8 December.  He encouraged Councillors to purchase a ticket for this festive event.


The Chairman celebrated the success of the recent television programme showing the four seasons of the New Forest.  Cllr Sevier had made prominent appearances in this programme.  The Chairman congratulated Cllr Sevier on the success of programme and said that he was very proud of her new-found fame and the Forest in general.



Leader's Announcements


The Leader presented a short video of the New Forest Show.  He reported that one of the theme days at the show was ‘prosperity’, led by Matt Callaghan and the Economic Development Team, to showcase the support offered to the local economy.  For the first time there had been a New Forest Business Partnership “business village” at the show.  This demonstrated the Council’s support to local business.


The Leader also reported an award received from the Federation of Small Business for the District Council’s Film:NewForest project.  The award was for the ‘Most Innovative Small Business Friendly programme, campaign or project’.  A key element of the project was to support local business by attracting film productions to the area. The Award was presented to Cllr Harris, Portfolio Holder for Local Economic Development, Property and Innovation, and Matt Callaghan and Becky Denby, of the Council’s Economic Development Team, by Rob Dewing, Chairman of the New Forest Branch of the Federation of Small Business.



By-Election for District Council's Fawley, Blackfield & Langley Ward - 26 July 2018 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive the report of the Returning Officer on the by-election held on 26 July 2018 to fill the vacancy for the Fawley, Blackfield & Langley ward.


The report of the Returning Officer on the by-election held on 26 July 2018 to fill the vacancy for the Fawley, Blackfield & Langley Ward was noted.  Cllr Mervyn Langdale had been elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Cllr Bob Wappett.


The report of the Returning Officer on the by-election held on 26 July 2018 to fill the vacancy for the Fawley, Blackfield & Langley Ward, caused by the death of Cllr Bob Wappett, was noted.  Cllr Mervyn Langdale had been elected.


Reports of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To consider the Reports of the Cabinet dated:-


·         1 August; and

·         5 September 2018 (to follow).

Additional documents:


The recommendations from the meetings held on 1 August and 5 September 2018 were agreed.


The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the reports of the meetings held on 1 August and 5 September 2018.




That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.


Questions Under Standing Order 22


There were none.


Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by no later than noon on Friday 7 September 2018.)



Question 1


Cllr David Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about the number of complaints received by NFDC relating to operations at Eling Wharf, Totton, since Associated British Ports took ownership of the site and whether they had increased.  The Portfolio Holder reported that in 2015/16 two complaints had been received relating to dust issues. In 2017 two complaints regarding noise from the site had been received and these had been discussed with the previous land owner.  In 2018, to date four complaints had been received.  ABP had met officers on site, in an endeavour to resolve the issues and they were looking to relocate some of their tenants away from the residential area.


Question 2


Cllr Mark Steele asked Cllr Jill Cleary, Portfolio Holder for Housing Services about the number of households/families in B&B accommodation offered alternative temporary accommodation since 1st April 2018 when the Homelessness Reduction Act had come into force.  The Portfolio Holder said that between 1 April to 31 August 2018, 74 households had been accommodated into emergency accommodation from a total of 909 approaches for assistance.  39 households had been moved on to suitable accommodation.  On 31 August, 35 households remained in emergency accommodation, with alternative accommodation secured for 7 of these households.  Plans to accommodate the remaining 28 were being worked through.


Question 3 


Cllr Steve Clarke asked Cllr Diane Andrews, Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs, aboutanti-social activity around the recreation ground in New Milton and the fact that trees may have affected full efficiency and use of CCTV.  He highlighted the need for a reporting procedure for early action in these circumstances.  The Portfolio Holder reported that the control room staff did monitor issues with foliage obstructing cameras.  Trees changed throughout the year and were sometimes problematic for all CCTV systems. 


A CCTV Partnership Agreement with Town and Parish Councils had been drafted and distributed.  The agreement sought to encourage communication.  It was hoped that Town and Parish Councils would continue to assist with tree issues on their land.  Regular meetings would be held.  The Portfolio Holder invited Cllr Clarke to visit the CCTV control room.


Cllr Clarke asked a supplementary question regarding the proposals for mobile CCTV cameras.  The Portfolio Holder reported that the matter was progressing and that appropriate systems were being explored.


Question 1


From Cllr David Harrison to Cllr Alison Hoare, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services:


"How many complaints has NFDC received relating to operations at Eling Wharf, Totton, since Associated British Ports took over ownership of the site and is this a significant increase over the situation beforehand?"



The Portfolio Holder reported that in 2015 and 2016 two complaints had been received relating to dust from Eling Wharf.  The 2016 complaint had referred to the demolition of a building, by the previous land owner.  Unfortunately the building had previously shielded local residents from operational noise.  In 2017 two complaints had been received regarding noise from the site and these had been discussed with the previous land owner.


In 2018 to date, four complaints had been received, two related to noise, one to dust, and the final complaint to vehicles in Rumbridge Street.  ABP had met officers on site, in an endeavour to resolve the issues and they were looking to relocate some of their tenants away from the residential area.


Question 2


From Cllr Mark Steele, to Cllr Jill Cleary Portfolio Holder for Housing Services:

“Can the Cabinet Member for Housing confirm how many of the households/families in B&B accommodation have now been offered alternative temporary accommodation since 1st April 2018 when the Homelessness Reduction Act came into force?”


The Portfolio Holder said that between 1 April to 31 August 2018, 74 households had been accommodated into emergency accommodation from a total of 909 approaches for assistance to the Housing Options Team.  Through the team’s positive work with these households, 39 had been moved on to suitable accommodation.  On 31 August, 35 households remained in emergency accommodation, with alternative accommodation secured for 7 of these households.  Plans to accommodate the remaining 28 were being worked through.


Officers were making great strides to prevent many more households from becoming homeless.  The work of the Homelessness Task and Finish Group was proving invaluable, both in understanding the scale of the homeless situation in the Forest but also in coming up with measures to assist those most in housing need within our communities. Work was taking place on a Homelessness Strategy and a number of other initiatives were being considered to help homeless families find their feet again.


Question 3 


From Cllr Steve Clarke to Cllr Diane Andrews, Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs


“Following some anti-social activity around the recreation ground in my ward in New Milton, I reported that trees may have been affecting full efficiency and use of CCTV. Working with the Town Council and the CCTV control room, problems were identified, and the Town Council has now undertaken sympathetic tree management to resolve the problem. Would the portfolio holder consider the introduction of a simple reporting procedure to enable control room staff to inform towns and parishes when such problems are starting to arise so that early action can be taken to prevent this happening and ensure the efficiency of the system; and does  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


The following changes were made:


Cllr Thierry was appointed to serve on the General Purposes and Licensing Committee in place of former Cllr Mrs Jackman;


Cllr Cllr Langdale was appointed to serve on the Planning Committee in place of former Cllr Mrs Jackman.




(a)    That Cllr Thierry be appointed to serve on the General Purposes and Licensing Committee in place of former Cllr Mrs Jackman;


(b)    That Cllr Langdale be appointed to serve on the Planning Committee in place of former Cllr Mrs Jackman.



Meeting date for April 2020 - Change of Date

To agree to change the date of the meeting in April 2020 from 13 April to 6 April.


It was agreed to change the date of the meeting in April from 13 April to 6 April.




That the change of the meeting date from 13 April to 6 April 2020 be agreed.