Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Karen Wardle  E-mail:

No. Item


Cllrs Frampton, Ms Ford, Mrs Lane, Mrs Lovelace and Wade.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 587 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2019 as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2019 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest made by any member in connection with an agenda item.


Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman reported that he had attended a concert at St Thomas Church in Lymington which had raised £1,300 for the Chairman’s charity, Oakhaven Hospice in Totton and the Mayor of Havant’s Civic Day.


The Chairman also reported that he had given Milford Historical Society a donation of £450 towards the bi-centenary commemoration of the death of Admiral Sir William Cornwallis.  The celebrations of the bi-centenary were to take place on 5 July 2019.  Admiral Cornwallis had lived in Milford and was buried in the churchyard of All Saints church in Milford.



Leader's Announcements


The Leader had no announcements.


Report of Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 210 KB

To receive the annual report of the Audit Committee.


The report was noted.


Cllr O’Sullivan, Chairman of the Audit Committee presented the report of the Audit Committee.




That the report be received and noted.


Reports of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated 6 March and 3 April 2019.

Additional documents:


The recommendations were agreed.


The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the reports of the meetings held on 6 March and 3 April 2019. 


On the motion that the reports be received and the recommendations adopted, it was:




That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.


Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To receive the annual report of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels for 2018/19.


The report was noted.


The Council considered the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels for 2018/19.


The Chairmen of the Panels thanked Panel Members and officers for their time, commitment and support over the last year.  Cllr Rippon-Swaine highlighted the work of the Task and Finish Group which had considered energy efficient vehicles and the provision of charging points in the District.  Cllr Davies reported that the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel had been fully supportive of the new Housing Allocation Policy and Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy and looked forward to the next year when the work of the Private Sector Housing Task and Finish Group would be presented to the Panel.




That the report be received and noted.



Under Standing Order 22.  



There were none.


Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by not later than noon on Friday, 12 April 2019.)



There were none.


Nominations for the Offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council

To consider and make recommendations to the Council on 20 May 2019 for

election/appointment to the offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council

for the following municipal year.


The Conservative Group has nominated Cllr A T Glass for election to the office of Chairman.


Further nominations may be made at the meeting.


Cllr Glass was nominated as Chairman and Cllr L Harris as Vice-Chairman of the Council for the 2019/20.




That Cllr Glass be nominated as Chairman and Cllr L Harris as Vice-Chairman of the Council for the following municipal year.


Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


There were no changes.


Chairman's Thanks


The Chairman expressed his thanks for the help and support he had had during the last year as Chairman of the Council and as a Councillor for the last 24 years.  He wished Councillors and officers the best for the future.