Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst
Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Melanie Stephens E-mail:
No. | Item |
Apologies Cllrs Mrs Beeton, Kendal and Mrs Lane. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2015 as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2015 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. Minutes: Cllrs Armstrong, Binns, Poole, Mrs Thorne and Wade in Minute No. 46, item 2 of the Report of General Purposes & Licensing Committee dated 13 November 2015 and Minute No. 47, item 1 of the Report of the Cabinet dated 4 November 2015. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman had attended a variety of events and these were listed in the latest Information Bulletin. She wished to highlight the following:
Remembrance Day – Sunday 8 November
The Chairman, with the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, Hallum Mills, had attended remembrance services at Marchwood, Keyhaven and Milford on Sea. The Chairman also attended a Remembrance Day concert, performed by the New Forest Chamber Choir.
Brilliance in Business Awards
On Thursday, 27 November, the Chairman, along with the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, had attended this year’s Brilliance in Business Awards at Carey’s Manor Hotel where awards were presented on behalf of the Council. The event highlighted the wide variety of excellent businesses in the New Forest.
The New Forest Veterans’ Christmas Party
The Chairman had the pleasure of welcoming 54 New Forest veterans to a special Christmas Party at Dibden Golf Centre on Friday 4 December. Combined, they had served a total of 454 years. They all thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Lantern Parade
On Sunday, 6 December the Chairman had the pleasure of attending the Totton Lantern Parade.
Forthcoming events
On Thursday, 10 December, the Chairman would host the annual volunteers’ reception for dedicated volunteer groups in the New Forest. The event would provide the Chairman with the opportunity to thank the volunteers for their good work.
Fundraising Events
The Chairman was holding a raffle, in aid of her charities, the prize was a John Lewis Christmas Hamper. Tickets could be bought, at £1 a strip, from the Chairman or reception at Appletree Court.
The Chairman announced that on Saturday 26 March she would be abseiling down the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth in aid of her charities, Oakhaven Hospice and The Firefly Children’s Home in Kathmandu. Donations could be given to Donna Langfield.
Leader's Announcements Minutes: There were none. |
Reports of the General Purposes & Licensing Committee PDF 67 KB To consider the reports of the General Purposes & Licensing Committee dated 13 November and 3 December 2015 (to follow). Additional documents:
Decision: The recommendations arising from the meetings of 13 November and 3 December were agreed.
Minutes: Cllrs Armstrong, Binns, Poole and Wade disclosed non-pecuniary interests in item 2 of the Report of the Committee dated 13 November as members of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council. They concluded that there were no issues under common law that prevented them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote. There was no discussion on this item.
Cllr Mrs Thorne disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in item 2 of the Report of the Committee dated 13 November as the local ward member for Hythe West & Langdown. She concluded that there were no issues under common law that prevented her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote. There was no discussion on this item.
Cllr Clarke, Chairman of the General Purposes and Licensing Committee, presented the reports of the meetings held on 13 November and 3 December 2015.
On the motion that the reports be received and the recommendations adopted, it was
That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.
Reports of the Cabinet PDF 89 KB To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated 4 November and 2 December 2015 (to follow). Additional documents: Decision: The recommendations arising from the meetings of 4 November and 2 December were agreed. Minutes: Cllrs Armstrong, Binns, Poole and Wade disclosed non-pecuniary interests in item 1 of the Report of the Cabinet dated 4 November as members of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council. They concluded that there were no issues under common law that prevented them from remaining in the meeting to vote. They remained in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Mrs Thorne disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in item 1 of the Report of the Cabinet dated 4 November as the local ward member for Hythe West & Langdown. She concluded that there were no issues under common law that prevented her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote. She remained in the meeting to vote.
The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the reports of the meetings held on 4 November 2015 and 2 December 2015.
On the motion that the reports be received and the recommendations adopted: -
Item 1 – Report of the Cabinet dated 4 November 2015 – St John’s Street Car Park, Hythe: Redevelopment Opportunity and Disposal
In response to a question regarding the capital sum the Council would receive following the sale of the car park, the Environment Portfolio Holder explained that the use of the money received by the Council would, like any other asset, be determined through the normal democratic process.
That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.
Questions Under Standing Order 22 Under Standing Order 22.
Minutes: There were none. |
Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services by not later than noon on Friday 4 December 2015.)
The following Portfolio Holder question submitted by Cllr Harrison at the last Council meeting, which was deferred due to his absence, will be considered under this item:
Question to the Housing & Communities Portfolio Holder:
“Will the portfolio holder make a statement with regard to the situation at Savoy House in Totton?”
Decision: Question 1 – Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities for an update with regard to the situation at Savoy House, Totton. The Portfolio Holder replied that following detailed intrusive inspections of the fabric of the building, where a number of serious structural and health and safety concerns were revealed, officers had to find alternative accommodation for tenants. Council officers had managed this difficult process well, with the support of the tenants involved and there were now only three households in B&B waiting for an offer for accommodation. The owner of the property had now surrendered the lease, at no cost to the Council. In response to a supplementary question regarding lessons that could have been learnt in the inspection regime, the Portfolio Holder replied that the defects were only revealed when parts of the internal fabric of the building was dismantled when looking for the causes of damp issues and it would not be reasonable for inspections of this nature to be routinely carried out.
Question 2 - Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Health & Leisure whether he expected the Sedentary Lifestyle Task & Finish Group to examine the decision to increase Health & Leisure Centre membership for age 60 – 65’s. In reply, the Portfolio Holder said thatthis matter has been given full consideration by the Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel. The Panel agreed that as people were living healthier lives for longer and the state pension for ‘seniors’ was 65, the policy should reflect that.
In implementing the decision, the Council had taken a fair approach by allowing all existing fitness direct members who are 60 – 65 to have their current (lower) price honoured for as long as they remained members.
The change in policy would provide the Council with income of £52,000 which would be reinvested back into the Health and Leisure Centres. The Council, whilst achieving a 97% customer satisfaction rate, compared more favourably with other centre membership fees. The Portfolio Holder therefore did not believe that the decision would have a significant impact on customers, particularly as the Council’s Health and Leisure Service offered extensive programmes to encourage residents to participate in active, healthy lifestyles. As such, the Portfolio Holder would not waste the time of the Task & Finish Group by asking them to review the matter again.
Question 3 - Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Planning & Transportation how car parking charges calculated. The Portfolio Holder replied that as the matter had been subject to robust discussion at the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel, he had nothing more to add. Minutes: Question 1: From: Cllr Harrison To: Cllr Mrs Cleary, Housing & Communities Portfolio Holder
“Will the Portfolio Holder make a statement with regard to the situation at Savoy House in Totton?”
The Portfolio Holder replied that following detailed intrusive inspections of the fabric of the building, where a number of serious structural and health and safety concerns were revealed, officers had had to find alternative accommodation for tenants. Council officers had managed this difficult process well, with the support of the tenants involved. There were now only three households in B&B waiting for an offer of accommodation. The owner of the property had agreed the surrender of the lease, at no cost to the Council. In response to a supplementary question regarding lessons that could have been learnt in the inspection regime, the Portfolio Holder replied that the defects were only revealed when parts of the internal fabric of the building were dismantled when looking for the causes of damp issues, and it would not be reasonable for inspections of this nature to be routinely carried out.
Question 2: From: Cllr Harrison To: Cllr Binns, Health & Leisure Portfolio Holder
“Do you expect the Task and Finish group, formed recently to look at the health problems associated with sedentary lifestyles, to consider the likely impact of your decision to increase the cost of membership of our Health & Leisure Centres for those aged 60 - 65 or over by £130 a year, or would that be too embarrassing?"
The Portfolio Holder replied thatthis matter has been given full consideration by the Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel. The Panel agreed that as people were living healthier lives for longer and the state pension for ‘seniors’ was 65, the policy should reflect that.
In implementing the decision, the Council had taken a fair approach by allowing all existing fitness direct members who are 60 – 65 years of age to have their current (lower) price honoured for as long as they remained members.
The change in policy would provide the Council with income of £52,000 which would be reinvested back into the Health and Leisure Centres. The Council, whilst achieving a 97% customer satisfaction rate, compared more favourably with other centre membership fees. The Portfolio Holder therefore did not believe that the decision would have a significant impact on customers, particularly as the Council’s Health and Leisure Service offered extensive programmes to encourage residents to participate in active, healthy lifestyles. As such, the Portfolio Holder would not be asking the Task & Finish Group to review the matter again.
Question 3: From: Cllr Harrison To: Cllr E Heron, Planning & Transportation Portfolio Holder
“Are the decisions you make on car parking charges an expression of divine wisdom, or would they possibly be better decisions if you took the trouble to carry out an annual review, so that they were based on traffic management considerations, as well as setting charges at levels that meant our car parks were fully utilised?”
The Portfolio Holder replied ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Review of Hampshire County Council Electoral Divisions The Local Government Boundary Committee for England (LGBCE) has published its draft recommendations for Hampshire County Council. Responses are required by 11 January 2016. The Council, which should agree any response, is not due to meet until 22 February 2016. In the circumstances it is suggested that the Council delegates power to submit a response to the General Purposes and Licensing Committee.
A special meeting of the Committee is being arranged for Friday 8 January 2016, to consider a response. All members of the Council and all Hampshire County Councillors representing Divisions with the District will be invited.
That authority be delegated to the General Purposes and Licensing Committee to agree the Council’s response on the LGBCE’s draft recommendations for the electoral review of Hampshire County Council. Decision: The recommendation was agreed. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That authority be delegated to the General Purposes and Licensing Committee to agree the Council’s response on the LGBCE’s draft recommendations for the electoral review of Hampshire County Council. |
Membership of Committees and Panels To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups. Decision: Cllr Thierry was appointed to the Planning Development Control Committee, filling the vacancy on the Committee. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cllr Thierry be appointed to serve on the Planning Development Control Committee, filling the vacancy on the Committee. |