Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst
Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Melanie Stephens E-mail:
No. | Item | ||
Apologies were received from Cllrs W. G. Andrews, Ms Bellows, Binns, Coombes, Ms Crissell and White. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2015 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2015 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. Minutes: Cllrs Frampton, Harrison, E J Heron, Mrs Jackman, Rickman and Mrs Wyeth disclosed non-pecuniary interests in respect of minute No 26, Item 2 of the Report of the Cabinet dated 2 September 2015. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman had attended a variety of events since the last Council meeting and these had been reported in the latest Information Bulletin.
New Forest Show 2015 The Chairman congratulated and thanked officers for their enthusiasm and commitment in successfully promoting the Council’s Health and Leisure Centres at this year’s show. The Council’s stand had been another excellent example of the work of the Council’s leisure staff and the amazing variety of services the Council’s Leisure Centres had to offer.
New Forest Art Society That Chairman had had the privilege to attend a preview for the New Forest Art Society’s exhibition at Lyndhurst Community Centre on 8 August. The standard of the works had been excellent, showing there to be a lot of artistic talent in the New Forest.
Merchant Navy Day On Thursday 3 September, the Chairman had been pleased to raise the Merchant Navy Day flag at Appletree Court, Lyndhurst. The Chairman had been accompanied by the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Beck, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman and the Chief Executive. Cllr Ms Ford and Cllr Johnston from Hythe & Dibden Parish Council had also been present.
Civic Day The Chairman would be holding her civic day on Tuesday, 6 October, when other civic heads from Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight would be shown the attractions of the New Forest District. The theme of the day would be Culture, Sport and Education. Guests would be taken to St Barbes Museum in Lymington, Brockenhurst College and Southampton Football Club’s new Marcus Liebherr training ground in Marchwood.
Village of the Year Award 2015 The Chairman announced that Sway village were finalists in the 2015 Village of the Year competition. Judging had already taken place, with Hampshire Association of Local Councils making the final decision. The winners would not be known or formally announced until the award ceremony on 7 October. The Chairman wished Sway village luck in the competition.
Lord Montagu of Beaulieu The Chairman referred with sadness of the sudden death of Lord Montagu. Lord Montagu’s work with the Historic Monuments Commission and the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu had been outstanding. He was a much loved figure within the New Forest who would be missed. |
Leader's Announcements Decision: The Leader of the Council spoke about the Council’s response to the plight of refugees.
He explained that the Council was closely following discussions between the Local Government Association and Central Government on this terrible humanitarian crisis. The Council would play its part in any nationally agreed and co-ordinated response. The Council was still awaiting details about how Councils could best be involved. Members would be updated when more was known about the Government’s plans for an effective scheme of support.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council spoke about the Council’s response to the plight of refugees.
He explained that the Council was closely following discussions between the Local Government Association and Central Government on the terrible humanitarian crisis that was occurring. The Council would play its part in any nationally agreed and co-ordinated response. The Council was still awaiting details on how Councils could best be involved. Members would be updated when more was known about the Government’s plans for an effective scheme of support.
Cabinet 5 August 2015 & 2 September 2015 (to follow)
Additional documents: Decision: The recommendations arising from the meetings of the Cabinet on 8 August and 3 September 2015 were agreed.
Minutes: Cllrs Frampton, Harrison, E J Heron, Mrs Jackman, Rickman and Mrs Wyeth disclosed non-pecuniary interests in Item 2 of the Report of the Cabinet dated 2 September 2015 as members of the New Forest National Park Authority, the other party to the Service Level Agreements. Each concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the reports of the meetings held on 5 August and 2 September 2015.
On the motion that the reports be received and the recommendations adopted:
Item 1 – (2 September 2015) – Hampshire & Isle of Wight Devolution Proposal Cllr Harrison commented on the prospectus that had been prepared for submission to Ministers to support the bid for devolved powers for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. He said that whilst additional powers would be of benefit to local communities, balancing the needs and demands of both the urban and rural areas would pose a challenge. He felt that any move toward a ‘super’ mayor should be discouraged.
Cllr E Heron, in welcoming the views of Cllr Harrison, said that as the issue was still at the earliest stages of the process, it was difficult to form a definitive picture of the impact the proposals would have on the area. Detailed discussion, including the need for a ‘super mayor’, would take place once any Government offer was known.
That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.
Appointment of Chief Executive (Head of the Council's Paid Service) The selection process for the above post took place on the 5 August 2015. The Member Panel appointed by the Council on 13 July to make a recommendation on an appointment was chaired by the Leader of the Council, Cllr Barry Rickman, and comprised Cllrs E Heron, S Beeton, J Binns, J Cleary, J Heron, B Andrews and A McEvoy, advised by the Head of Human Resources, Manjit Sandhu. The Leader of the Opposition Group,Cllr David Harrison, was unable to attend due to other commitments.
Further to Standing Order 15A.2 - the Panel recommends that Robert Jackson, currently the Council’s Executive Director (S151 Officer), be appointed as the Council’s Chief Executive and Head of the Council’s Paid Service with effect from 24 October 2015.
Decision: It was resolved that Robert Jackson, the Council’s Executive Director (Section 151 Officer), be appointed as the Council’s Chief Executive and Head of the Council’s Paid Service with effect from 24 October 2015. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Robert Jackson, the Council’s Executive Director (Section 151 Officer), be appointed as the Council’s Chief Executive and Head of the Council’s Paid Service with effect from 24 October 2015. |
Questions Under Standing Order 22 Minutes: There were none. |
Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services by not later than noon on Friday 4 September 2015.) Minutes: There were none. |
Delegation of Powers to Officers - Smoke Free Legislation Local Authorities have powers and responsibilities under various legislation relating to smoke free premises and vehicles. Delegation arrangements were agreed by the Cabinet but certain legislation is now excluded from being a Cabinet function. The Council is therefore requested to approve appropriate delegations.
That the following officers be delegated power to take all necessary action under the legislation stated
Legislation Officers
Health Act 2006, Part 1, Chapter 1, paras 1-12 Head of Public Health & Community Safety; and Schedules 1 and 2 Environmental Health Manger; Smoke Free (Premises and Enforcement) Environmental Protection Manager; Regulations 2006 Senior Environmental Health Officers; Smoke Free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Environmental Health Officers; Regulations 2007 Environmental Health Technicians; Smoke Free (Penalties and Discounted Housing Strategic Services Manager; Amounts) Regulations 2007 Housing Grants & Improvement Manager; Smoke Free (Vehicle Operators and Penalty Building Surveyors (Improvement) Notices) Regulations 2007 Smoke Free Signs Regulations 2012 Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015 and any replacement legislation
Decision: The change in the delegation of powers to officers as set out on the agenda summons were agreed. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the change in the delegation of powers to officers as set out on the agenda summons be agreed. |
Change of Meeting Dates 2016/17 In order to enable reports from the September and December meetings of the Cabinet to be submitted to the Council in September and December 2016, the Council is requested to amend its meeting dates in those months.
That the meetings of the Council scheduled for 5 September and 5 December 2016 be moved to 12 September and 12 December 2016.
Decision: It was agreed that the meetings of the Council scheduled for 5 September and 5 December 2016 be moved to 12 September and 12 December 2016. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the meetings of the Council scheduled for 5 September and 5 December 2016 be moved to 12 September and 12 December 2016. |
Membership of Committees and Panels To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups. Minutes: No changes to committees or panels were proposed by the political groups.