Agenda and minutes


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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2015 as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2015 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


Cllrs Lagdon and M S Wade in item 1 of the Report of General Purposes & Licensing Committee dated 6 March 2015.



Chairman's Announcements


Chairman’s Activities since last Council meeting


Since the last Council meeting the Chairman had attended many functions throughout the New Forest, Hampshire, Dorset & Surrey, including: -


·        The Mayor of Bournemouth’s Charity fashion show at the Highcliffe Marriott Hotel raising money for his charities.

·        The opening of the Malt Cinema at the Lymington Community Centre.

·        The VIP launch of Cambium at Careys Manor Hotel, Brockenhurst.

·        Welcoming delegates to the New Forest Network Advice meeting at Appletree Court.

·        A private dinner party for local networking with companies from the Bournemouth area, in the Mayor of Bournemouth’s parlour.

·        A concert in the Great Hall, Winchester on WW1 hosted by the Chairman of Hampshire County Council.

·        The raising of the Commonwealth Flag on Commonwealth Day at Appletree Court.

·        A rehearsal of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at the Lighthouse and a tour of the RNLS College.

·        Civic days with the Mayors of Eastleigh, Havant and Hart.

·        A private dinner party with the Mayor of Fareham in his parlour with his local business representatives.

·        The Mayor of Christchurch charity gala dinner at the Captain’s Club, Christchurch and the Mayor of New Milton’s charity ball held at Shorefield Holiday Park.

·        Representing the New Forest at the Hampshire and IOW Sport Awards Ceremony at Southampton Football Club.

·        Representing the New Forest District at the New Forest Choirs and the New Forest Chamber Choir at the Regent Centre, Christchurch.

·        The Mayor of Fareham’s charity ball at the Ferneham Hall and also the Mayor of Eastleigh’s charity ball at the Botley Park Hotel, Hedge End.

·        The Mayor of Havant’s charity spring dinner at the South Downs College restaurant.

·        An Easter afternoon tea party in aid of charity with the Mayor of Rushmoor in the Council offices, Farnham.

·        The Forest Connexions Exhibition preview at the New Forest Centre Lyndhurst and the Dudley Keep Lecture on Galipoli at the Great Hall, Winchester.

·        A reception in the Mayor of Southampton’s parlour and afterwards at Showtime Production in the O2 at the Guildhall by Southampton and West Hampshire Brownies and Guides.

·        The opening day at the Lodge, Ashley, New Milton.

·        The Mayor of Bournemouth’s charity ball in the Pavilion ballroom.


Departing Councillors


Earlier that day the Chairman had held a reception for outgoing councillors who were retiring at the forthcoming election. The Chairman thanked these councillors for the years of service given to the New Forest and wished them happiness in the future.


Members paid tribute to departing Councillors and thanked them for their hard work and diligence during their terms of office.



Death of former Councillor Mrs Barbara Maynard


The Chairman reported the death of former Cllr Mrs Barbara Maynard, who served on the Council for the Blackfield and Langley Ward between 1995 and 2003 and then the Fawley, Blackfield and Langley Ward between 2003 and 2007.    During her terms, she served on what were then the Central Services, Emergencies and Housing Committees along with the Planning Development Control and Appeals Committees. She would be sadly missed.


Charity Fundraising Events


On Friday  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Leader's Announcements


There were none.


Reports of Committees and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 58 KB

General Purposes & Licensing Committee

6 March 2015




4 March 2015 and

1 April 2015 (to follow)


Additional documents:


Report of General Purposes & Licensing


Cllr M S Wade disclosed a pecuniary interest in this item as his wife worked for the Authority. He did not speak and abstained from voting. Cllr Lagdon disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in this item as a family member worked for the Authority. He did not speak and abstained from voting.


Cllr Beck, Chairman of the Committee, presented the report of the meeting held on 6 March 2015.


On the motion that the report be received and the recommendation be adopted, it was




That the recommendation be adopted.


Reports of Cabinet 


The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the reports of the meetings held on 4 March and 1 April 2015.


On the motion that the reports be received, it was:




That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.





Report of Overview & Scrutiny Panels 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To receive the annual report of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels.


The Council considered the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels for 2014/15. 


The Chairmen of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels thanked Councillors, Heads of Service, Officers and external partners for their contributions to the scrutiny process. Particular thanks were given to members who had served on Task & Finish Groups throughout the year.




That the report be received and noted.



Questions Under Standing Order 22


There were none.


Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services by not later than noon on Friday 10 April 2015.)


Question 1:

From:  Cllr Lagdon

To:  Cllr Vickers, Planning & Transportation Portfolio Holder


“Concerning the 'National Planning Policy Framework issued March 2012 by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government, can the Portfolio Holder please tell us how this council proposes to: "BOOST SIGNIFICANTLY the supply of housing within the New Forest District Council area" when at present, certainly in the east of the Forest, we are stretching the infrastructure to breaking point and have very little room to build anyway?”




The Portfolio Holder replied that NFDC was one of only a small number of Planning Authority Councils that had a fully adopted Local Plan. Neighbouring councils without a plan such as Test Valley, Eastleigh and East Hants where seeing Planning Inspectors grant large developments. NFDC’s Plan started in 2006. To date, 57% of the 20 year housing commitment has already been built. The Council also has an 8 year land supply available for development based on current numbers. The current plan required updating. The process for doing so would take at least 2 years before Public Examination. Consequently, there would not be a significant change in the house building rate in the time of the next Council.  In response to a supplementary question regarding how many new houses were needed to be built per year in the District and the impact on the existing infrastructure, the Portfolio Holder explained that in the NFDC area, every possible building site was within 5 kilometres of an Special Protection Area (SpA) or Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and consequently the Council was required to provide Sites of Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGs). This was a major issue with the existing plan. A direct result of this was that it diminished ability to build houses. A further factor related to the poor transport infrastructure in large parts of the District. All of these factors would influence the proposals put into the revision of the Plan. It was also open to a town like Totton to produce its own Neighbourhood Plan and thereby decide how much housing would be built and where.



Question 2:

From:  Cllr M S Wade

To:  Cllr Cleary, Housing and Communities Portfolio Holder


“Is the Life Line activity in the CCTV control room in anyway affecting the appropriate level of community safety monitoring of the CCTV cameras in the New Forest towns and villages?”




The Portfolio Holder said that the number of incidents monitored by cameras in the control room remained steady at just over 2,000 incidents per year. Whilst activity in the control room had increased due to community alarms, so had staffing.  Prior to the changes in the service, there were 7 employees in CCTV covering 20 hours per day. There were now 15 employees in the unit covering 24 hours a day.  The old control room was often singled crewed. Now, for many hours of the day, there were 3 or 4 employees present at a time. Calls from Community Alarms had peak times  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Nominations for Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council

         To consider nominations submitted for the offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council for the following municipal year and to make recommendations to the Annual Meeting of the Council on 18 May 2015.


         The following nominations have been received from the Conservative Group:


         Chairman – Cllr Mrs A J Hoare

         Vice-Chairman – Cllr G C Beck





That Cllr Mrs A J Hoare be nominated as Chairman and Cllr G C Beck as Vice-Chairman of the Council for the following Municipal year.



Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


No changes to committees or panels were proposed by the political groups.