Agenda and minutes

Venue: Skype Meeting - Online. View directions

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Matt Wisdom  Email:


No. Item


There were no apologies for absence received from Cabinet Members.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2020.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2020, be confirmed and signed.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests made by Cabinet Members.



Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.


There were no issues raised during the public participation period.



Response to Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Update pdf icon PDF 684 KB

Portfolio Holders will give a presentation on the latest progress in relation to the Council’s response to the Coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic.



Portfolio Holders gave a presentation with an update on the Council’s response to the Coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic. The slides from the presentation are attached to these minutes for reference.


Community Affairs


·        The Council’s Local Response Centre continued to operate, with over 1,000 referrals received.  850 deliveries of food and essential items had been made.

·        Future arrangements were being considered in partnership with local food banks, to ensure support could continue to be provided to vulnerable residents.

·        Preparations continued for the reopening of information offices in Lymington and New Milton during June.  Public offices would be following strict safety guidance for both staff and customers.


Housing Services


·        The restoration of all Housing Services continued, in addition to the emergency work that had continued throughout the peak of the Coronavirus.

·        All work in tenant’s homes was being undertaken with regard to social distancing, good hygiene and in accordance with Government guidance.

·        The re-letting of Council properties had commenced, to ensure people in unsatisfactory accommodation or those facing homelessness were rehoused at the earliest opportunity.


Economic Development


·        The new Discretionary Business Grants Scheme would support particular business types that did not qualify for other schemes, including some Bed and Breakfasts, businesses in shared offices spaces, some charities and also market traders.

·        A total of £50,000 had been awarded via the Rural Resilience Fund in partnership with the Solent Local Economic Partnership, protecting vital local jobs in the District.

·        Business Needs Surveys were taking place to understand the key challenges facing local businesses, which would be essential to effectively address the Council’s recovery plan in this area.


Finance, Investment and Corporate Services


·        Business Grants totalling over £39 million had been administered and paid to over 3,200 businesses.

·        An ICT workplan was underway in response to recent events to ensure the benefits of a remote workforce were realised and business continuity was achieved.

·        The future success of commercial property opportunities would continue to be important to securing much needed income, in the overall context of reviewing expenditure.


Environment and Regulatory Services


·        The past nine weeks had seen an increased demand for waste and recycling services, with increases from last year as follows:-

o   8% increase in waste collected in black sacks.

o   13% increase in recycling.

o   21% increase in kerbside glass.

o   15% increase in garden waste customers, with over 2,000 new customers.

·        Public toilets were beginning to open on a phased basis, where it was safe to do so for both visitors and staff.

·        Food safety teams remained exceptionally busy advising businesses on their preparations for reopening, whilst enforcing against those who had breached the Government guidance.


Leisure and Wellbeing


·        Dibden Golf Course reopened on 16 May 2020 under new course rules set by Golf England, ensuring social distancing.  The clubhouse remained closed and the new arrangements were working well with the course fully booked most days.

·        Approximately 400 members of Health and Leisure staff had been furloughed until the end of June, whilst some continued to be redeployed into other service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87.


The Financial Implications of Coronavirus - COVID-19 - April - May 2020 pdf icon PDF 598 KB




1.     That the Cabinet note the financial implications as set out throughout the report.


2.     That the Cabinet recommend to Council that the budget for 2020/21 be updated to take into account;


(a)   the income losses and expenditure pressures sustained by the Council during April and May 2020;


(b)   the emergency support funding received to date; and


(c)   the use of reserves to bridge the gap between the income and expenditure pressures and emergency support funding.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Finance, Investment and Corporate Services.




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder introduced the report and highlighted the impact of Coronavirus, in financial terms totalling a net increase of £2.052 million throughout April and May to the General Fund budget requirement.  It would be unclear and to what extent the loss of income would have on service delivery in the medium to long term.  Given that the Council could not continue to deplete its reserves, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that he had asked the Chief Executive and the Council’s Executive Management Team to bring forward options to reduce expenditure.



COVID-19 Recovery Plan - Role of Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet approves the approach to recovery from the Coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic as outlined within the report, including the establishment of the following four Task and Finish Groups:-


·        Finances & Resources (including Health & Safety, Workforce Wellbeing & Digital Transformation)

·        Local Economy

·        Community Stakeholder engagement (including the Voluntary Sector)

·        Council Services




As set out in the report.








Leader and Corporate Affairs / All.




As set out in the report.








The Leader of the Council introduced the report and encouraged all Members of the Council to join one of the four Recovery Task and Finish Groups. 


The Chief Executive highlighted that the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Resilience Forum had changed the wording of objectives 8 and 13 as part of their recovery plan to read as follows:-


“To reinforce and restore public confidence in the resilience of public agencies to protect the public from critical incidents.


To establish effective protocols for public involvement and liaison and restore public engagement and confidence in all levels of the democratic process.”