Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Matt Wisdom  Email:

No. Item



There were no apologies for absence received from Cabinet Members.






To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2019  as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2019, be confirmed and signed.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other interests made by Cabinet Members.



Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




There were no issues raised during the public participation period.



Waste and Recycling Arrangements


The Leader of the Council informed Members of Hampshire County Council’s plans for efficiency savings by 2021.  This included three proposed changes to the current waste and recycling arrangements.  Members were reminded that the District Council’s responsibility is to collect waste and recycling materials and pass them over to the County Council who have the responsibility for disposal.  The County Council currently have a contract with Veolia to carry this out on their behalf.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services detailed the impact of the changes, as follows:-


·        Loss of income from the sale of mixed recycling, currently estimated to be worth £460,000 per annum to the District Council.

·        Loss of income from recycling credits, currently estimated to be worth £220,000 per annum to the District Council.

·        A new contamination charge, estimated to be an annual charge of £120,000.


These estimated amounts varied according to material market rates and tonnages and were based on 2017/18 budgets.


Members were informed that all three changes were proposed to commence in April 2021 and would be reflected in the District Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan, to be considered by the Cabinet in November.


Looking ahead, the District Council continues to work with all Hampshire Districts and Boroughs, to assess the full implications of the proposed changes and the options that exist.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services expressed optimism for the opportunity to consider these changes in conjunction with the changes in waste and recycling policy announced by central government, through the work of the recently established Task and Finish Group on developing a new Waste Strategy for the District.



Electoral Review of New Forest District Council - Council Size Submission pdf icon PDF 217 KB

To consider the proposed Council Size submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE), on behalf of New Forest District Council, and related issues.



Additional documents:




That the Cabinet recommends to Full Council that:-


(a)   the proposed Council Size submission on behalf of New Forest District Council (Appendix 1) be approved and submitted to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England; and

(b)   authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make further editing changes, corrections and updates to the document prior to submission.




As set out in the report.




No.  Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Leader and Corporate Affairs.




As set out in the report.








The Leader of the Council introduced the report and highlighted that warding arrangements would be considered as part of the second phase of the Electoral Review.  This report concerned only the Council’s official submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) in respect of Council Size, that is, the total number of councillors elected to the authority from May 2023.


Members placed on record their thanks to the Task and Finish Group and supporting officers for their work in bringing forward the submission to Cabinet.




Dates of Meetings

To agree the following dates of meetings of the Cabinet (All Wednesdays starting at

10.00 a.m.)


3 June 2020                                        2 December 2020

1 July 2020                                          3 February 2021                    

5 August 2020                                     3 March 2021

2 September 2020                              7 April 2021

7 October 2020                                   5 May 2021

4 November 2020                              







That the following dates of meetings of the Cabinet, be agreed:-


All Wednesdays commencing at 10.00 am:-


3 June 2020                                        2 December 2020

1 July 2020                                          3 February 2021                   

5 August 2020                                     3 March 2021

2 September 2020                              7 April 2021

7 October 2020                                   5 May 2021

4 November 2020