Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Jan Debnam  Email:

No. Item



None were received.





To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 18 May and 3 June 2015 as correct records.






That the minutes of the meetings held on 18 May and 3 June 2015 be signed by the Chairman as correct records.




Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




There were no declarations of interest made by any member in connection with an agenda item.




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.




Devolution Proposals for Wider Hampshire - Developing Proposals for Devolved Powers and Responsibilities pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To note the action taken to develop proposals to seek devolved powers from central government for the wider Hampshire area.



Additional documents:




That the action taken to date be noted.




The Cabinet discussed the proposals that were being developed for the submission of a bid to the Government for additional powers to be devolved to Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.  The letter which had been sent on behalf of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Authorities, setting out their Statement of Intent, had been circulated separately as a supplement to the report.  In bidding for additional powers the authorities had to demonstrate how, under the new arrangements, they would be more effective in achieving government priorities on issues such as additional house building and how they would improve the efficiency of the delivery of devolved services, such as transport and economic development.  This would require the establishment of a Combined Authority to operate the additional powers, but which would not act as a new “super authority” that would take over all the functions and structures of the existing authorities in the area.  The current indications were that there was scope for flexibility in the arrangements chosen.  The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Association of Local Authorities already had strong working relationships, with various partnerships operating successfully, and it was important that these were preserved.


The Cabinet noted that it was intended that there should be a full debate on any proposals at the next meeting of the Council.  It was emphasised that this was the early stages of a process, which would become clearer as the process progressed.  Members concurred with the view that the potential of devolved powers should be thoroughly investigated and critically evaluated in order that the Council could take a well informed decision, for the future benefit of the residents of the District.




(a)            That the action taken so far to develop proposals for a Combined Authority for the wider Hampshire be noted; and


(b)            That the proposals be subject to further debate at the meeting of the Council on 7 September 2015.




A Partnership Plan for the National Park Authority pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To recommend that that the National Park Authority’s Partnership Plan is endorsed by the Council.



Additional documents:




That the Council endorse the Partnership Plan for the New Forest National Park.




The Cabinet considered the Partnership Plan which had been prepared by the National Park Authority to update their 2010 Management Plan.  Following extensive joint working with partner organisations and two consultation exercises the Plan was being well received.  A number of statutory and non-statutory organisations had been involved in the Plan’s production and would be taking the lead on specific actions, leading to a high level of ownership and commitment to the Plan’s delivery.


Members were addressed by Ms Barnes, the Chief Executive of the National Park Authority, who thanked the Members and Officers of the Council for their hard work in developing the partnership approach that had been adopted and had proved to be productive.


Members welcomed the updated plan and the collaborative approach that had been adopted in its preparation.




That the Council endorse the Partnership Plan for the New Forest National Park.




Financial Monitoring Report - Forecast Outturn Based on Performance to End of June 2015 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To note and confirm the current budget position, including the additional expenditure items that have been identified.






That the revised outturn forecasts for the General Fund (paragraph 3.2 of report item 7); Capital Fund (paragraph 5.1 of report item 7) and Housing Revenue Account (paragraph 5 of report item 7) be noted and the additional expenditure items identified in Section 3 of the report approved.




The Cabinet considered the Council’s financial performance to the end of June 2015.  A number of additional expenditure items had been identified since the budget had been agreed, in particular from the rephasing of projects into the current financial year, increasing the General Fund requirement to £19.595 million.  Details of all identified additional expenditure and other variations were set out in section 3 of the report.


Similarly, the rephasing of a number of capital projects had increased the capital programme budget from £18.516 million to £21.037 million. Full details were set out in section 4 of the report, with variations to the Housing Revenue account in section 5.


In general terms the Council was performing as expected, and there were no current concerns about potential implications, from the Council’s performance, leading up to the setting of the budget for 2016/17.




That the revised outturn forecasts for the General Fund (paragraph 3.2 of report item 7); Capital Fund (paragraph 5.1 of report item 7) and Housing Revenue Account (paragraph 5 of report item 7) be noted and that the additional expenditure items identified in Section 3 of the report be approved.




Appointment to Outside Bodies

To appoint 2 Members to serve on each of the partnership boards for Priestlands and Ringwood Schools and Health and Leisure Centres.






That Cllr J Heron be appointed to serve on the Partnership Board of Ringwood School and the Ringwood Health and Leisure Centre; and Cllr Penson on the Partnership Board of Priestlands School and the Lymington Health and Leisure Centre.






That Cllr J Heron be appointed to serve on the Partnership Board of Ringwood School and the Ringwood Health and Leisure Centre; and Cllr Penson on the Partnership Board of Priestlands School and the Lymington Health and Leisure Centre.




Delegation of Powers to Officers pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To consider amending the scheme of delegation of powers to officers to take account of recent staffing changes.






That the Scheme of Delegation of Powers to Officers be updated to include the officers shown in bold italics in each of the delegations attached in Appendix 1 to report item 8 considered by the Cabinet.







That the Scheme of Delegation of Powers to Officers be updated to include the officers shown in bold italics in each of the delegations attached as Appendix 1 to report item 8 considered by the Cabinet.