Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - Ask for Melanie Stephens  Email:

No. Item


Cllr Clarke



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2017 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item.


Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.


Key Actions and Service Review Programme Update pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive and update on the progress of key actions and service review programme.


The Panel received an update on the work undertaken as part of the Council’s delivery action plan and service reviews pertinent to the Panel. 


In relation to the Leisure Service review, Senior Officers were currently in the process of examining staffing structures within the Leisure Service. Once this had been completed, a revised terms of reference for a Task & Finish Group would be drafted for Panel approval shortly. Officers suggested that the Task & Finish Group be re-appointed with new membership, in light of the changes to the remit of the Group.  The Panel agreed with this approach.




That the progress updates contained in the report be noted.


Safer New Forest Partnership - Strategic Assessment & Priorities for Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider the strategic assessment and partnership plan for 2018/119.

Additional documents:


The Panel reviewed the strategic assessment prepared by the Safer New Forest

Strategy and Delivery Group, setting out the Group’s assessment of performance against the actions identified in the 2017/18 Partnership Plan for the reduction of crime and disorder in the District Council’s area. It also considered draft actions for inclusion in the 2018/19 Partnership Plan.


With regard to the strategic assessment, the Panel noted that, overall crime in the District had increased by 16% compared with the previous year. This was marginally higher than the overall countywide rise of 13%, with increase in crime being partly attributed to changes in crime reporting and data integrity. Whilst there had been a slight increase in residential burglary rates in the Forest, the Forest continued to be one of the safest places to live in the UK.


In assessing the strategic risks and threats affecting the communities of Hampshire and scoring these risks against the MoRILE (Management of Risk In Law Enforcement) the following areas had been identified as priorities for the coming year: -


·        Children at Risk

·        Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

·        Drug Related Harm

·        Domestic Abuse


The priorities of the previous year had been embedded in the work of the strategic partners and would continue to receive focus and momentum, in conjunction with the four priorities above.


In discussing the number of visible police officers in local neighbourhoods, the Panel was informed that the nature of policing had changed considerably in light of restrictions on police resources. Hampshire Constabulary now concentrated police resource in tackling crime that carried the most harm/risk. The new scoring mechanisms of crime incidents also affected the targeting of resources. Nonetheless, local neighbourhood Police teams would continue to build relationships within their localities to enhance knowledge of the issues affecting their local neighbourhood.


The strategic assessment and partnership plan would be discussed with Town and Parish Council’s shortly, before being approved by the full Council in April.


The Panel supported the four priorities for inclusion in the 2018/19 Partnership Plan.




That the Partnership Plan for 2018/19 be supported for adoption by the Council. 



Community Grants Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider the findings of the Task & Finish Group and make recommendations to the Cabinet.


            The Panel considered the recommendations of the Community Grants Task & Finish Group.  The Panel supported the allocation of grants as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the Report.


            After receiving written representation from Lymington Community Association and a verbal submission from the local ward member requesting that the Association’s Application be reviewed, the Panel discussed whether this organisation should be allowed to re-submit a revised application. Whilst acknowledging that there had been a material change to the Association’s financial position (namely match funding had been obtained), some members felt that allowing one organisation the opportunity to re-submit an application outside of the application timeframe, would be unfair to other applicants, who might well be in a similar position. Members expressed the view that the improvements made in the grants process, namely ensuring greater transparency and fairness, could be jeopardised.  Upon a vote, it was agreed that the re-submission of this application not be supported.


            In light of the increasing number of applications and the high sums of money being sought from applicants, set against the increasing pressure on the Council’s finances, the Panel recommended that a comprehensive review of the community grants process and eligibility criteria be reviewed in advance of the 2018 application deadline.




a)    That the grant awards as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the Report to the Panel be recommended to the Cabinet for approval; and


b)    That a comprehensive review of the community grants process and eligibility criteria be reviewed in advance of the 2018 application deadline.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To consider the Panel’s future work programme, and make changes where necessary.



Additional documents:




That the Panel’s work programme set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed.


Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




It was agreed that the Portfolio Holders would email their updates to the Panel after the meeting.