Issue - meetings

Cemeteries Regulations Review

Meeting: 05/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Cemeteries Regulations Review pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider revised Regulations and a Registration Scheme for Stonemasons and Funeral Directors working in the Council’s Cemeteries.



Additional documents:




That the updated scheme for the Registration of Stonemasons and Funeral Directors, and the revised Cemeteries Regulations, as attached as Appendices to Report Item 5 considered by the Cabinet, be approved.




The Regulations for the operation of the Council’s cemeteries had been subject to a detailed review to update them in accordance with developing best practice across the industry and to achieve greater clarity and consistency about what could, and could not, be done.  In addition, the Registration Scheme for Stonemasons and Funeral Directors operating in the Council’s cemeteries had been updated.  The review had been undertaken by a task and finish group appointed by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel, who had commended the revised documents to the Cabinet for adoption.


A summary of the main changes was set out in paragraph 3 of Report Item 5 considered by the Cabinet.


Of particular note was that, in future, the fees paid in respect of a young person between 12 and 18 years of age would be at the reduced rate for children, instead of being charged at the adult rate.


The Cabinet considered that the greater clarity of the revised Regulations would improve the management of the Council’s cemeteries and also, most importantly, greatly assist bereaved families in making the necessary arrangements.




That the updated scheme for the Registration of Stonemasons and Funeral Directors, and the revised Cemeteries Regulations, as attached as Appendices to Report Item 5 considered by the Cabinet, be approved.