Issue - meetings
Community Safety Partnership Plan
Meeting: 05/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 66)
66 Safer New Forest Partnership Plan - 2017-18 PDF 59 KB
To recommend to the Council that the Partnership’s Action Plan for 2017-18 is approved.
Additional documents:
That the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan 2017/18, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be approved.
The Cabinet considered the detailed action plan, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 4 to the Cabinet, that had been developed to support the identified priorities in the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan for 2017/18. The priorities were to:
1. Tackle the cause and effects of anti-social behaviour
2. Tackle the causal effects of offending behaviour, with a focus on violent crime
3. Continue to support the partnership and community in preventing arson related incidents
4. Support victims of domestic abuse
5. Promote road safety with an emphasis on killed and seriously injured
6. Reduce rural crime
This Council was the lead partner, with the police, for actions relating to reducing anti-social behaviour and was also the lead agency for reducing domestic abuse.
That the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan 2017/18, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 4 to the Cabinet, be approved.