Issue - meetings
Industrial Relations Committee - Future Arrangements
Meeting: 04/01/2017 - Cabinet (Item 50)
50 Industrial Relations Committee - Future Arrangements PDF 64 KB
To consider revised arrangements for the operation of the Industrial Relations Committee.
(a) That with immediate effect, the Industrial Relations Committee be discontinued and replaced with the Employee Engagement Panel (EEP);
(b) That the EEP meet 4 times per year, and on the following dates in 2017/18, (previously agreed for IRC):
16 February 2017 – 2.30pm
1 June 2017 – 10.00 a.m.
7 September 2017 – 2.30 p.m.
7 December 2017 – 10.00 a.m.
15 February 2018 – 2.30 p.m.
(c) That the terms of reference of EEP be as set out in Appendix 1 to Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet;
(d) That the agenda and reports be not published to the press and public;
(e) That the arrangements for EEP membership be as follows:
4 Elected Members (+ two nominated substitutes)
2 Unison Representatives (+1 nominated substitute)
1 Unite Representative, (+1 nominated substitute)
1 Representative from GMB. (Can be substituted by GMB, UNISON or UNITE)
[Elected Member appointments to be made by full Council. The union representatives to be nominated to the Panel’s secretary (Democratic Services) and to be amended by giving notice in writing];
(f) That the Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship alternate between the Employer’s and Employee’s sides, unless it is mutually agreed to vary the arrangement;
(g) That the agreement of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Committee be obtained before any meeting is cancelled;
(h) That there be a 15 minute employee participation period at the start of each meeting to allow any non-union member to speak on individual items on the agenda. Notice of the issue to be raised must be given to Democratic Services two working days in advance of the meeting;
(i) That the officers be authorised to make any consequential alterations to the Constitution; and
(j) That operation of the new Panel be reviewed after 12 months.
The Cabinet considered the recommendations of the Industrial Relations Committee that a new Employee Engagement Panel should be established in its place, with revised membership and operating procedures. Meetings would be more informal than those of the Industrial Relations Committee and would include the opportunity for all members of staff to address the Panel, in a session equivalent to the public participation period at other Member meetings. The proposal had been supported by the Employee’s side.
The recommendations would also be considered by the General Purposes and Licensing Committee.
That, subject to the General Purposes and Licensing Committee also supporting the proposals, the recommendations be approved.