Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/12/2017 - Council (Item 45)

Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.




The following changes to Committees and Panels were agreed:-


Audit Committee


Cllr Alvey was appointed in place of Cllr M Harris.


Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Panel


Cllr Beck was appointed in place on Cllr M Harris


Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel


Cllr Mrs Bennison was appointed in place of Cllr Mrs Thorne.


Planning Control Committee


Cllrs B Andrews, Frampton and Mrs Thorne were appointed in place of Cllrs Mrs Andrews, Mrs Hoare and Rippon-Swaine.





That the following changes be made to Committees and Panels:-


Audit Committee


Cllr Alvey be appointed in place of Cllr M Harris.


Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Panel


Cllr Beck be appointed in place on Cllr M Harris


Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel


Cllr Mrs Bennison be appointed in place of Cllr Mrs Thorne.


Planning Committee


Cllrs W G Andrews, Frampton and Mrs Thorne be appointed in place of Cllrs Mrs Andrews, Mrs Hoare and Rippon-Swaine.