Issue - meetings

Financial Monitoring Report

Meeting: 02/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Financial Monitoring Report Based on Performance to October 2016 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To consider the Council’s financial performance and to consider new budget requirements for recommendation to the Council for approval.






That the latest budget forecasts for the General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account as set out in paragraphs 3.2, 4.2 and 5.1 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet be noted; and




That the new budget requirements set out in sections 3.5 and 4.3 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet be approved.




The Cabinet was advised of the Council’s financial performance to October 2016.


Further positive variations of £1.061 million had been identified against the General Fund budget, together with new budget requirements of £279,000.  Further details were set out in Section 3 of the report.  The estimated outturn on the General Fund was now £15.756 million.  Once again there were significant elements of rephasing projects into future years, which would affect future year’s budgets.


A combination of additional budget requirements of £100,000 and the rephasing of £2.95 million to future years had reduced the Capital Programme to £21,343 million, as set out in Section 4 of the report.


The Housing Revenue Account currently showed a variation of £1.9 million, largely as a result of delays in the major repairs programme under the Capital Programme, which was financed from the revenue account.  Further details of the variations were set out in Section 5 of the report.




That the latest budget forecasts for the General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account as set out in paragraphs 3.2, 4.2 and 5.1 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet be noted; and




That the new budget requirements set out in sections 3.5 and 4.3 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet be approved.