Issue - meetings
Council Housing Buy-Back and Development Update 2012/13 - 2015/16 and Future Strategy 2016/17 - 2018/19
Meeting: 02/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 32)
To review the Council’s performance in increasing its housing stock and to review the Housing Strategy to be recommended to the Council for adoption.
Additional documents:
That the Housing Strategy 2016/17 - 2018/19, as set out in Agenda Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be adopted.
The Cabinet evaluated the Council’s performance in securing additional Council housing though housing buy-back, the development of new dwellings on Council-owned land and the purchase of dwellings from private sector developers through partnership arrangements.
Over the past 4 years the majority of new dwellings had been obtained through buying back former Council properties. The original target of 100 had been exceeded and a total of 135 had been acquired by this means by the end of the 4th year. The lead-in time on new developments meant that this had, to date, only made a modest contribution, but was expected to play an increasing role in the future.
While, in theory, purchasing housing units from private developers as their S106 affordable housing contribution should have been relatively easy, in practice it had proved more complex and time consuming than expected and had only so far contributed 4 two-bedroom units in Milford on Sea. This option would however continue to be explored, particularly associated with larger developments, such as that under Policy Ring3 at Ringwood.
The Council was currently losing around 30 properties per annum through the Right-to-Buy and it was important that this housing stock was replaced. The Cabinet welcomed the progress now being made.
Changes to Government policy were being monitored and assessed for their potential effect on the Council’s ability to maintain its housing stock. Recent policies had already had a significant effect on the financial context, with rents being required to be reduced by 1% per annum from 2016/17 for the next 3 years. Planning policy changes meant that the Council could no longer require social housing contributions for developments of fewer than 10 dwellings, reducing the funding available from that source. The Council Housing Finance Regime had allowed the Council, as part of the overall financial package, to borrow funds to allow the provision of additional Council housing, but the annual repayments, of £4.1million, would become due from 2017/18. The repayments would be met from Housing Revenue Account reserves.
Other options for the provision of additional housing would continue to be explored as they became available.
That the Housing Strategy 2016/17 - 2018/19, as set out in Agenda Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be adopted.