Issue - meetings
New Forest District (Outside the National Park) Local Plan Review (Part 1)
Meeting: 06/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 12)
To approve the draft consultation document to form the basis of public consultations.
Additional documents:
(a) That the document set out as Appendix 1 to report item 5 considered by the Cabinet be subject to final editing and published for the purpose of a public consultation to inform the preparation of the Local Plan Review Part 1;
(b) That the Policy and Strategy Service Manager, in consultation with the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make editing changes in preparing the document for publication; and
(c) That the public consultation period run from 15th July to 16th September 2016.
The Cabinet considered the draft of the review of Part 1 of the Local Plan to cover the period up to 2036. Although the current local plan covered the period up to 2026 it pre-dated the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework. Consequently, this Council had accepted that an early review should be undertaken.
The National Planning Policy Framework had significantly altered the way in which strategic planning for growth was undertaken, in particular boosting the supply of housing to meet the “objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing in the housing market area”. As a consequence, this District must accommodate as much growth as possible without conflicting with the Framework’s policies to protect certain areas, for example wildlife and nature conservation sites, the Green Belt and areas subject to flooding. Working with partner agencies where appropriate, a significant amount of research had therefore been undertaken to identify both potential sites for housing and to prioritise the constraints that might be set against that demand. The possible strategic site allocations were set out in paragraph 2.8 of the report. Members were advised that the total allocation should read 6,890, not 7,040 as stated.
The consultation exercise would allow the public the opportunity to respond to the draft proposals and also to put forward alternatives for consideration. To balance the needs of all the local population, the need and aspiration for affordable housing and good quality employment must be balanced against the protection of the special and unique character of the New Forest.
It was proposed that the consultation period would be extensive, from 15 July to 16 September, to allow the public adequate opportunity to respond. At this stage the public was being asked to respond to potential proposals for inclusion in the Local Plan. The Cabinet emphasised the valuable role that could be played by local ward councillors in encouraging local people to take part in this important consultation exercise, so that the views and priorities of local people could be reflected in the proposals that were included in the draft local plan that was brought forward for further consultation and eventually progressed through to public examination. This was a complex process with the potential for delays through the public examination process. It was important that an up-to-date plan was in place by 2018 in order that this Council remained in control of development in its area.
(a) That the document set out as Appendix 1 to report item 5 considered by the Cabinet be subject to final editing and published for the purpose of a public consultation to inform the preparation of the Local Plan Review Part 1;
(b) That the Policy and Strategy Service Manager, in consultation with the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make editing changes in preparing the document for publication; and
(c) That the public consultation period run from 15th July to 16th September 2016.