Issue - meetings

Annual Performance and Provisional Outturn Report 2015/16

Meeting: 01/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Annual Performance and Provisional Outturn Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 9 MB

To consider the Council’s performance with respect to the Corporate Plan and against the budgets for 2015/16.






(a)         That the Council’s performance and achievements, as set out in Sections 3 and 5 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted;


(b)         That the provisional General Fund outturn position, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted;


(c)         The provisional outturn position of the Capital Programme, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted; and


(d)         That the provision outturn position of the Housing Revenue Account, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted.




The Cabinet considered an evaluation of the Council’s performance and achievements during the last year of the corporate plan for 2012-2016 “Delivering for our communities”.  Future strategic direction would be set by “Our corporate plan”, which covered the period 2016-2020.  With the financial planning process supporting the delivery of the corporate objectives, the Council’s financial performance was an important element of that assessment.


The provisional outturn figures showed that an overall saving of £1.774 million had been achieved against the General Fund budget of £18.327 million.  The General Fund provisional outturn figures, highlighting the sources of the variations, were set out in section 4 of report item 4 considered by the Cabinet, together with a summary of the outturn on the Housing Revenue Account, which had improved upon the budget by £573,000; and the capital programme, where additional funding of £3.75 million to provide further housing acquisitions had been partly offset by savings and the rephasing of expenditure into future years.


The Council’s achievements during 2015/16 were set out in Section 3 of the report.


The Council’s performance against the key organisational indicators for 2015/16 was set out in Section 5 of the report.


The Cabinet welcomed the proactive approach being taken by the Chief Executive and the new senior management structure which was ensuring that the Council continued to provide high quality services to meet the needs of the local community, while achieving the essential savings that must be made against the Council’s budgets.  While some key indicators highlighted the continuing pressures faced by the Council, in particular with respect to the provision of affordable homes and the use of bed and breakfast accommodation, overall, the Council’s performance and services to its customers had been maintained and positive steps had been taken to meet these challenging targets.  As such, the Cabinet thanked the Chief Executive and officers of the Council for their hard work and achievements to date.




(a)         That the Council’s performance and achievements, as set out in Sections 3 and 5 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted;


(b)         That the provisional General Fund outturn position, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted;


(c)         The provisional outturn position of the Capital Programme, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted; and


(d)         That the provision outturn position of the Housing Revenue Account, as set out in Section 4 of Report Item 4 considered by the Cabinet, be noted.