Issue - meetings

Honorary Freedom of the District

Meeting: 16/05/2016 - Council (Item 75)

Honorary Freedom of the District

(a)        To consider the following motion which will be proposed by the  Chairman of the  Council, Cllr Alison Hoare, and seconded by the Leader of the Council, Cllr Barry Rickman:


“That in recognition of the distinguished record of the 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps, and its eminent service to Her Majesty the Queen and country and to the life and community of the New Forest District in many diverse ways, the New Forest District Council in accordance with Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 hereby admits to the Honorary Freedom of the New Forest District  the Commanding Officer and all Ranks of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps, and confers upon them the right, honour and distinction of marching through the streets of the New Forest District on all ceremonial occasions with swords drawn, bayonets fixed, drums beating, bands playing and colours flying”; and


(b)        That the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to an Honorary Freedom Scroll to be presented to the Regiment at a special ceremonial event, on Sunday, 25 September 2016.



It was agreed to grant the honorary freedom of the District to the 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps.  A ceremony will be held on Sunday, 25 September 2016.





(a)            That in recognition of the distinguished record of the 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps, and its eminent service to Her Majesty the Queen and country and to the life and community of the New Forest District in many diverse ways, the New Forest District Council in accordance with Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 hereby admits to the Honorary Freedom of the New Forest District  the Commanding Officer and all Ranks of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps, and confers upon them the right, honour and distinction of marching through the streets of the New Forest District on all ceremonial occasions with swords drawn, bayonets fixed, drums beating, bands playing and colours flying; and


(b)            That the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to an Honorary Freedom Scroll to be presented to the Regiment at a special ceremonial event, on Sunday, 25 September 2016