Issue - meetings

Delegation of Powers to Officers

Meeting: 06/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 63)

Delegation of Powers to Officers

Following the introduction of the new senior management structure, the Cabinet is requested to agree the delegations set out below to Service Managers.




(a)     That all Service Mangers be authorised to make decisions and to take all necessary action which they were previously authorised to take in their roles prior to 1 March 2016;  and


(b)     That, with effect from the date of this resolution, all Service Managers be authorised to take decisions and to take all necessary action that all Heads of Service were previously empowered to take, before such Heads of Service were appointed as Executive Heads.







(a)     That all Service Mangers be authorised to make decisions and to take all necessary action which they were previously authorised to take in their roles prior to 1 March 2016;  and


(b)     That, with effect from the date of this resolution, all Service Managers be authorised to take decisions and to take all necessary action that all Heads of Service were previously empowered to take, before such Heads of Service were appointed as Executive Heads.





(a)             That all Service Mangers be authorised to make decisions and to take all necessary action which they were previously authorised to take in their roles prior to 1 March 2016;  and


(b)             That, with effect from the date of this resolution, all Service Managers be authorised to take decisions and to take all necessary action that all Heads of Service were previously empowered to take, before such Heads of Service were appointed as Executive Heads.