Issue - meetings
Financial Monitoring Report - Forecast Outturn (Based on Performance to February 2016)
Meeting: 06/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 60)
60 Financial Monitoring Report - Forecast Outturn (Based on Performance to February 2016) PDF 80 KB
To be advised of the Council’s financial performance to February 2016.
That the revised outturn forecasts for the General Fund (para 3.2 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet), Capital Programme (para 4.1 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet) and Housing Revenue Account (para 5.1 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet) be noted.
The Cabinet considered the Council’s financial performance for the 11 month period to February 2016.
With respect to the general fund, further savings amounting to £960,000 had been achieved, while projects to the value of £1.991 million would be rephased to future years. Details of the key variations were set out in Section 3 of the report.
With respect to the capital programme, the vehicle and plant replacement programme had been delayed; while works to the North Milton Estate had been delayed by bad weather, resulting in £950,000 expenditure being rephased. The Housing Acquisitions and Development budget had been increased by a further £1.3 million to allow the purchase of additional properties and to take account of increases in property prices. The net effect was to increase the capital expenditure programme to £18.580 million.
An increased operational surplus against the Housing Revenue Account had also been identified, largely as a result of improvements to the vacant property turnaround times generating an additional £203,000 against the dwellings income budget. The projected annual surplus was now £1.549 million.
That the revised outturn forecasts for the General Fund (para 3.2 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet), Capital Programme (para 4.1 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet) and Housing Revenue Account (para 5.1 of Report Item 4 to the Cabinet) be noted.