Issue - meetings

Delegation of Powers to Officers - Smoke Free Legislation

Meeting: 07/09/2015 - Council (Item 30)

Delegation of Powers to Officers - Smoke Free Legislation

Local Authorities have powers and responsibilities under various legislation relating to smoke free premises and vehicles.  Delegation arrangements were agreed by the Cabinet but certain legislation is now excluded from being a Cabinet function.    The Council is therefore requested to approve appropriate delegations.




That the following officers be delegated power to take all necessary action under the legislation stated


Legislation                                                                       Officers


Health Act 2006, Part 1, Chapter 1, paras 1-12            Head of Public Health & Community Safety;

and Schedules 1 and 2                                                   Environmental Health Manger;

Smoke Free (Premises and Enforcement)                   Environmental Protection Manager; 

Regulations 2006                                                            Senior Environmental Health Officers;

Smoke Free (Exemptions and Vehicles)                      Environmental Health Officers;

Regulations 2007                                                            Environmental Health Technicians;

Smoke Free (Penalties and Discounted                       Housing Strategic Services Manager;

Amounts) Regulations 2007                                          Housing Grants & Improvement Manager;

Smoke Free (Vehicle Operators and Penalty              Building Surveyors (Improvement)

Notices) Regulations 2007

Smoke Free Signs Regulations 2012

Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015

and any replacement legislation




The change in the delegation of powers to officers as set out on the agenda summons were agreed.




That the change in the delegation of powers to officers as set out on the agenda summons be agreed.