Issue - meetings
Tree and Ecology Service Level Agreements
Meeting: 02/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 20)
20 Tree and Ecology Service Level Agreements PDF 49 KB
To consider renewing the Service Level Agreements for the New Forest National Park Authority to provide tree and ecology functions for this Authority.
That the Head of Planning and Transportation be authorised, in consultation with the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, to finalise the terms of the Service Level Agreements under which the National Park Authority will discharge the Council’s functions in respect of tree matters and offering advice on ecological issues.
Cllrs E J Heron and Rickman disclosed non-pecuniary interests as members of the New Forest National Park Authority, who were the other party to the Service Level Agreements. They each concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The Cabinet considered whether the Council should renew the Service Level Agreements under which the New Forest National Park Authority undertake the tree function on behalf of this Council and also provide an ecological advice service. The current arrangements had been in place for 3 years and were working well, serving the needs of customers and this Authority. The agreed quality standards and savings had been achieved.
That the Head of Planning and Transportation be authorised, in consultation with the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, to finalise the terms of the Service Level Agreements under which the National Park Authority will discharge the Council’s functions in respect of tree matters and offer advice on ecological issues.