Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/09/2015 - Council (Item 25)

Leader's Announcements


The Leader of the Council spoke about the Council’s response to the plight of refugees.


He explained that the Council was closely following discussions between the Local Government Association and Central Government on this terrible humanitarian crisis.  The Council would play its part in any nationally agreed and co-ordinated response. The Council was still awaiting details about how Councils could best be involved.  Members would be updated when more was known about the Government’s plans for an effective scheme of support.



The Leader of the Council spoke about the Council’s response to the plight of refugees.


He explained that the Council was closely following discussions between the Local Government Association and Central Government on the terrible humanitarian crisis that was occurring.  The Council would play its part in any nationally agreed and co-ordinated response. The Council was still awaiting details on how Councils could best be involved.  Members would be updated when more was known about the Government’s plans for an effective scheme of support.