Issue - meetings

Planning application

Meeting: 10/06/2015 - Planning Development Control Committee (Pre 2018) (Item 6)

6 19 Daniells Walk, Lymington (Application 15/10348) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Retention and alteration of approved landscaping details; raise ground level; front fence


Recommended:  Planning consent subject to conditions





Retention and alteration of approved landscaping details; raise ground level; front fence



Public Participants:

Mrs Hemsley-Gills – Applicant.



Additional Representations:

I additional letter of objection from a neighbour re-iterating previous concerns.




Cllrs Penson, Rostand and White disclosed non-pecuniary interests as members of Lymington and Pennington Town Council, which had commented on the application, with Cllrs Rostand and White both being members of their Planning Committee.  They concluded that they could be considered to have a pre-determined view and consequently abstained from voting.




Planning consent.




As per report (Item 3(l))