Issue - meetings
Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget
Meeting: 19/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 64)
64 Medium Term Financial Plan and Annual Budget 2025/26 PDF 541 KB
Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that:
1. the updated Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and financial strategy, as set out in the report and throughout appendices 1-3, are approved;
2. there is a General Fund Net Budget Requirement in 2025/26 of £25.509 million, as set out in appendices 5a - 5d to the report;
3. the New Forest District Council Band D Council Tax for 2025/26 shall be £205.77 (paragraph 24);
4. the General Fund Capital Programme for 2025/26 of £19.411 million, as set out in appendix 6 to this report be approved;
5. the proposed fees and charges as included at appendix 7 to the report be approved; and
6. the principal of utilising up to £1.377 million of the budget equalisation reserve to fund investment in community assets, supporting the future transition to the new unitary authority and town and parish councils, is approved.
Report to Cabinet and Council
Finance and Corporate
As set out in the report.
The Cabinet heard from two members of the public, speaking in opposition to the proposed fees and charges in relation to the beach huts in the district. This was contained within recommendation 5. of the Cabinet report and Appendix 7.
Melissa Ashman Kulesza addressed Cabinet reporting that she was speaking on behalf of the Barton on Sea beach hut owners, strongly objecting to the proposed increase in fees. The reasons for this objection included; that beach hut fees had been increased by over 20% last year; that they were unjustified, other than to maximise income; were discriminatory, alleging they were in breach of the Equalities Act 2010 and it was felt that the fee structure with differential charges for residents and non residents (41% increase in annual charge) was both unfair and unethical. It was highlighted that the proposed increases had created much stress and anxiety amongst beach hut owners and it was felt that a fairer and equitable solution would be to increase the fees and charges by a small amount to all owners or not at all.
Malcolm Wells addressed the Cabinet as a Calshot beach hut owner. He reported he had owned and enjoyed his beach hut for 15-20 years. It was in good condition, recently being rebuilt and he was proud of it. The fees about 10 years ago had been circa £500-600 a year. The annual fee had increased by 20% last year and a further 30% increase was proposed for the next financial year, taking the annual licence fee to just under £1,400 a year for a non resident. The annual licence fee proposed for a resident of the District was £899. The disparity between the two figures was questioned and considered unfair. The proposed administration fee to transfer a beach hut was felt to be too high, and it was reported that the proposed fee was higher than other local areas, highlighting that a fee was proposed even ... view the full minutes text for item 64