Issue - meetings
Strategic Risk Register
Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 17)
17 Strategic Risk Register PDF 44 KB
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That Cabinet recommend Council adopt the Strategic Risk Register.
Leader / All.
As set out in the report.
The Leader introduced the report and explained that in light of the new Corporate Plan for 2024-2028 the Council had revised its Strategic Risk Register to reflect the current risks facing NFDC. The Leader noted the valuable input of the Audit Committee toward the Strategic Risk Register (SRR). It was emphasised how important it was for the Council to understand the significant risks that may impact its communities.
The Insurance and Risk Officer explained that risk management aimed to identify the risks that may impact on the Council achieving its objectives. Its purpose is to evaluate, design and implement effective measures to reduce both the likelihood and potential impact of these risks occurring. The SRR outlines the most significant, overarching risks to achieving the current Corporate Plan and the proposed actions to mitigate these risks.
The risks had been identified through collaboration between senior and executive council officers and Portfolio Holders to ensure a unified approach in identifying and recording these risks.
The Insurance and Risk Officer highlighted some of the updates to the SRR following the Audit Committee’s input and further consideration to the recent, global ICT outage. These changes had been integrated into the SRR.
It was emphasised that the SRR was a ‘living document’ and would evolve over its lifespan in order to adapt to the potential risks that may arise.
A member of the Cabinet acknowledged how each of the eight identified risks have all been marked with a separate improvement outcome.
A member of the Council posed a question on Risk 6 and the wording of the lead statement on responding to any political change that impacts the District. The Chief Executive reassured the member that the Executive Management Team would take this into account and would seek to escalate and mitigate any detrimental impact that political change may have on the Council