Issue - meetings

Customer Strategy

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Customer Strategy Report pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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That Cabinet recommend that Council approve the Customer Strategy.








Finance and Corporate.




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance introduced the report and emphasised that the core principle of the new Customer Strategy was to put the customer at the heart of Council services. Cabinet heard that the Council would continue to put its residents first and would continue to offer direct contact channels and face-to-face meeting time through its various offices.


The Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services Service Manager summarised the new Customer Strategy and explained that extensive research had been undertaken and feedback had been gathered through internal and external consultation and that from this, the needs of the customer could be understood and assessed/improved. The Strategy would ensure that nobody would be excluded from contacting the Council and being assisted where possible. To ensure this, staff, residents and Town & Parish Councils were among the groups who had been consulted during the development of the Strategy.


From the insight gained and feedback from the consultation and subsequent development of the Strategy, there were four key customer outcomes considered. In order to achieve the outcomes, the four key principles would be:


  • Putting the customer at the heart of what the Council does.
  • Providing customers with a consistent experience through all interactions with the Council.
  • Utilising technology to meet customer needs.
  • Using data to shape and improve service delivery.


The Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services Service Manager explained that within the Strategy was an Action Plan which provides details on the range of activities, along with timescales, to be completed. The Action Plan would enable the Strategy to meet its customer outcomes.


Finally, it was explained that the Strategy supports the new corporate plan and transformation programme and would then move the customer experience forward by investing in staff and technology to modernise services and embody a culture of putting customers at the heart of Council business.


A member of the Council asked a question on hard-to-reach residents in the District. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance explained that the Council would not be able to reach each and every resident in the District but reassured the Cabinet that NFDC worked cooperatively with other organisations locally to ensure that customers are still supported and signposted to the authorities that can assist them. The Leader gave the example of the information boards used at the New Forest Show, along with informative Council Z-cards, that could be disseminated across Town & Parish Councils to put the Council’s contact channels and information in the heart of the various communities.