Issue - meetings

Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group Arrangements

Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 13)

13 Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group Arrangements pdf icon PDF 286 KB

To note proposed arrangements for the operation of the Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group in 2024.


The Panel considered proposed arrangements for meetings of the Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group in 2024.


The role of the Financial Strategy Task & Finish Group was to review the Council’s financial strategy and understand how the plans and assumptions made by the Portfolio Holders married up with the overarching financial planning of the Council.


It was proposed that a Group of 7 members be convened after seeking volunteers, and the final membership be agreed by the Charman of the Panel.




That the arrangements for operation of the Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group for 2024 be endorsed as set out in the report.