Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Meeting: 03/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Updated Corporate Plan 2024-2028 pdf icon PDF 284 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet recommended to Council the approval of the Corporate Plan 2024-2028 in Appendix 1, updated following public consultation; and




Report to Cabinet and Council




Leaders / All




As set out in report.








The Leader presented the Updated Corporate Plan for 2024-2028 and thanked all Officers and Councillors who were involved in its development. 


The Performance and Insight Manager reported that, leading up to the consultation, the Corporate Plan had been informed by the administration's election manifesto, feedback from the residents' survey, elected members and staff engagement. Following consultation, feedback has been reviewed with the Executive Management Team, Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the Corporate Plan was now ready for approval by Council.  


The Council’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) had been firmed up and contained a list of measures that were aligned to the Corporate Plan and could be monitored via the performance management programme.  


Feedback on the proposed Corporate Plan had been widely positive, with 75% of respondents agreeing with the vision for the District. All feedback on the plan was considered and was used to shape the final iteration of the plan.  


There were two further amendments to the version of the Plan that was presented to Cabinet on the 3rd April 2024. Both were discussed at panel and will be updated to the final published version. 


The Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel had reservations on the emphasis of the Freeport within the Plan and so more balance was awarded to this subject, whilst the focus on housebuilding targets and the progress made within the last financial quarter were positively acknowledged.  


Comments from Members on the perception of crime measure and on climate change were noted by Cabinet and acknowledgement to the ongoing work on defining the targets and KPIs was given It was explained that work with each service unit was underway on developing a ‘definition document’ to provide the baseline context for each KPI measure to profile each target and assign them to a designated officer.