Issue - meetings
Report of Cabinet - 6 September 2023
Meeting: 11/09/2023 - Council (Item 32)
32 Report of Cabinet - 6 September 2023 PDF 351 KB
To consider the report and recommendations of the Cabinet meeting held on 6 September 2023 (to follow).
For reference, the Cabinet agenda and reports are published on the Council’s website at the following link:-
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Strategic Risk Register, item 32
PDF 399 KB
- Appendix 2 - Vehicle and Plant Replacement Programme, item 32
PDF 163 KB
Item 1 – Feasibility Study to deliver long term value from Appletree Court, Lyndhurst
A number of Members questioned whether the expenditure of up to £100,000 for a feasibility study was a good use of public funds and how this amount had been derived. The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate suggested that as this matter was raised as a Council question; he would respond to members later in the meeting.
Item 2 – Financial Monitoring Report
One Member raised a question in relation to paragraph 5.3 of the Cabinet report. He asked why the £35,000 received as a Government grant towards projects relating towards Domestic Abuse was being transferred to an earmarked reserve for future use. He highlighted that there had been an increase in recorded domestic abuse incidents over the last year and therefore felt that the funding should be used to help victims of this now rather than in the future. In response, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate noted that funding would be set aside to enable the options for expenditure to be reviewed. Projects would be brought forward in a structured manner with clear objectives.
Item 3 – Strategic Risk Register
Cllr Cleary introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
Two matters were raised by Members for the inclusion into the Strategic Risk Register. One being, the use of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and whether it was present within buildings owned and maintained by the Council, also giving consideration to the buildings within the wider community. The other matter related to Strategic Risk (SSR) no 5, in relation to data risk. It was suggested that there be a detective control to identify whether any breaches had occurred which had previously been undetected. The example was provided of the Electoral Commission data breach which had occurred in 2021 but had not been detected until 2022. The Leader reported that the Audit Committee would consider these matters. She confirmed that RAAC had not currently been identified within the Council’s estate, however investigation work was ongoing.
That the Strategic Risk Register, be adopted.
Item 4 – Vehicle and Plant Replacement Programme
Cllr Blunden introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That Council approve:-
(a) A supplementary budget of £126,000 for the revised budgets for Vehicles and Plant Replacement Programme for 2023/24; and
(b) A revised budget of £2.102 million for the Vehicle and Plant Replacement Programme for 2024/25.