Issue - meetings

Garden Waste Fees and Charges

Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Council (Item 23)

23 Garden Waste Fees and Charges 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet meeting held on 5 July 2023.


Additional documents:


Cllr S Davies introduced the report and moved the adoption of the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 5 July 2023, as circulated with the Supplementary Council agenda.  Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.


Cllr M Wade moved an amendment, to provide the wheeled bins for the garden waste service free of charge, removing the bin supply charge of £25 noted in Appendix 1 of the report.  He highlighted his understanding of the need to bring about a more reflective charge in respect of the service but did not consider it appropriate to also charge an additional amount to supply the physical bin.  Cllr J Davies seconded the amendment.


The Council debated the amendment.  Those speaking in favour suggested that the physical bin required to access the service ought to be included as part of the service charge.  Some concerns were raised about fly tipping of garden waste and the free supply of bins to access the discretionary service could potentially discourage this behaviour.  One Member sought reassurance of the messaging reaching residents in a timely manner to reduce the risk of those needing to pay the supply charge.


Members speaking against the amendment highlighted that the cost of the wheeled bins had to be accounted for somewhere.  If the cost was not passed on through the service in some form, it would ultimately be passed across the District in the cost of the Council’s operation, including to those who did not subscribe to this discretionary service.  The overall value for money of the service was highlighted.  It was also noted that the supply charge would be applicable only to customers signing up outside of the initial sign up period, and those signing up for an additional bin.  One Member highlighted the opportunity to take green waste to household recycling centres for free and this was an additional, discretionary service which needed be properly costed.  The opportunity for residents to share bins was noted, wherever appropriate, therefore also sharing the cost.


In summing up the amendment, Cllr M Wade highlighted the difficulty for some residents of going to the household recycling centres, and suggested that the cost of the physical bins could be absorbed within the first year’s rise to the service charge.  In responding to the amendment, Cllr S Davies promoted the service as an additional recycling opportunity as a paid for service, at an exceptional value, including the cost of £25 for late sign-ups or additional bins, which he considered to be very reasonable.


A request for a recorded vote on the amendment did not gain the support of the required number of Members.


The amendment was put to the vote and lost.  The Council proceeded to vote on the substantive motion.




That the adoption of the proposed garden waste fees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, applicable from 1 April 2024, be approved.


Meeting: 05/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Garden Waste Fees and Charges 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 360 KB




That the Cabinet recommends to Council the adoption of the proposed garden waste fees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, applicable from 1 April 2024.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Council.




Environment and Sustainability.




As set out in the report.








In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, the report was introduced by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness.


The Portfolio Holder reminded members that, as of April 2024, changes to improve the Garden Waste collection service would occur and that subscribers would see an increase in their recycling capacity by way of the new 240 litre bins.


The Assistant Director for Place Operations briefly presented the report. Members heard that the fees for the Garden Waste collection service had previously been amongst the lowest in the County. The proposed fee of £65 per-year was comparable to the median fee across the County. New bins would be provided ahead of the April 2024 roll-out and the new scheme would run on a 12 month cycle.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the proposed charges, acknowledging that the new charges were in line with their counterparts across Hampshire, whilst also doubling the capacity available for some residents. Cabinet Members felt that the move to wheeled bins was a more sustainable approach to the existing, plastic sacks, and improvements to the safety and efficiency experienced by collection staff were welcomed.