Issue - meetings
Committee and Panel Structure
Meeting: 22/05/2023 - Council (Item 12)
12 Committee and Panel Structure PDF 112 KB
1. To approve the following number of seats on each Committee and Panel in the Council’s Constitution:-
Committee / Panel |
Number of Seats |
Appeals Committee
13 |
Audit Committee
9 |
General Purposes and Licensing Committee
13 |
HR Committee
9 |
Planning Committee
13 |
Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel
9 |
Place and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel
9 |
Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel |
9 |
2. To approve the Terms of Reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels as attached.
The Leader moved the recommendations as set out on the agenda, to approve the committee and panel structure and the terms of reference of each Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
1. That the following number of seats on each committee and Panel in the Council’s Constitution, be agreed:-
Committee / Panel |
Number of Seats |
Appeals Committee |
13 |
Audit Committee |
9 |
General Purposes and Licensing Committee |
13 |
HR Committee |
9 |
Planning Committee |
13 |
Housing and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel |
9 |
Place and Sustainability Overview & Scrutiny Panel |
9 |
Resources and Transformation Overview & Scrutiny Panel |
9 |
2. That the terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels as circulated with the agenda, be agreed.