Issue - meetings

Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 01/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 92)

92 Draft Supplementary Planning Document: Planning for Climate Change pdf icon PDF 304 KB

Additional documents:




1.     That the Cabinet agree that the draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) “Planning for Climate Change” be published for a six-week public consultation in May 2023; and


2.     That any final editorial changes to the draft document (attached in Appendix 1 to the report) prior to publication be agreed by the Executive Head for Planning, Regeneration, and the Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration, and Infrastructure.



As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder reported that the draft Supplementary Planning Document: Planning for Climate Change had an important role in supporting the climate change policies adopted in the Local Plan and in the Climate Change and Nature Emergency Action Plan.  The SPD clarifies to developers how to achieve sustainable development, taking into account best practise and the standards to target and adopt.  The Portfolio Holder thanked the officers involved in the SPD, which was clear and easy to read and understand.  She encouraged all interested in the SPD to respond to the consultation.


The Local Plan lead officer reported that the SPD was to make the best use of the current Local Plan.  The bar set in the SPD had been set high to encourage developers to achieve zero carbon in development in terms of energy efficiency and how buildings perform.  Whilst this was high, if zero carbon could not be achieved, it was important to get as close to it as possible. 


Members commended the report and draft SPD, recognising the importance of climate change on the Council’s agenda and the need for sustainable development.  It was questioned by one member whether the SPD should make reference as part of sustainable development to also include nature initiatives.