Issue - meetings

Public Space Protection Order

Meeting: 02/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 47)

47 The Introduction of Public Space Protection Orders pdf icon PDF 687 KB

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1.     That in principle, the proposal to make two Public Spaces Protection Orders be approved in respect of the lighting of fires and the use of barbeques, and the feeding and petting of ponies, horses, mules and donkeys in the form set out at Appendix 1 and 2 respectively to this report.


2.     That Officers be authorised to publicise the proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders and to carry out consultation as required by the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 (‘the Act’) and to report back to Cabinet with the outcome of the consultation.




As set out in the report.








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As set out in the report.








The Cabinet heard from one member of the public, speaking in support of the recommendations in the report, in accordance with the Council’s public participation scheme.


Mrs Lines, Chair of the New Forest Commoners Defence Association supported the proposal to introduce two PSPOs.  She expressed particular support to PSPO 2 regarding the feeding and petting of ponies, horses, mules and donkeys recognising that that was an increasing problem and that education and signage was not sufficient.  There needed to be stronger measures in place to protect the animals and the New Forest.


The Leader introduced the report and supported the introduction of PSPOs as a tool to address the anti-social behaviour associated with the activities identified in the PSPOs and the effect the damaging behaviour it had on the community.  He recognised the need to provide education, particularly in relation to the feeding and petting of ponies, whereby people were often unaware of the problems that could be caused.


The Strategic Director of Housing, Communities and Governance highlighted that the introduction of PSPOs had been brought forward as a result of months of working with partners. 


It was reported that there had been discussion with the National Park Authority, Verderers and Forestry England and it had been accepted in principle that they would play a lead role in the enforcement of the PSPO activities, should they be introduced.


It was clarified that there was a minor typographical error within the Cabinet report, Appendix 2 and that Schedule 1 should read, sheets 1-22 (rather than 1-23).


The Leader confirmed that the proposed orders would apply only to land which the public had access to.


Members spoke in support of the principle of the introduction of two PSPOs.  It was suggested that if PSPO 1 was implemented, that retailers in the District could be encouraged to stop selling disposable BBQs.


A view was expressed in relation the feeding and petting of ponies, horses, mules and donkeys that questioned whether there was an evidence base on the harm caused and noting that it was the feeding in particular which was the anti-social behaviour element.  In response, the Leader reiterated the importance of educating people and that if the PSPO was introduced there would an option to issue Fixed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47