Issue - meetings
Planning application
Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 16)
16 2 Nursery Road, Ringwood (Application 21/10668) PDF 489 KB
Demolish existing outbuildings; conversion of front building to 2 bed cottage; erection of 6 No 2 bed houses (7 dwellings in total); parking
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) the completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a S.106 Agreement or unilateral undertaking to secure Air Quality Monitoring and Recreational Habitat Mitigation; and
ii) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.
Demolish existing outbuildings; conversion of front building to 2 bed cottage; erection of 6 No 2 bed houses (7 dwellings in total); parking
Public Participants:
Giles Moir, Chapman Lily Planning Ltd (Agent)
Clair Manners (Objector)
Cllr Glenys Turner, Ringwood Town Council
Additional Representations:
The Committee felt that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the Ringwood Conservation Area. Members expressed the view that the dwellings would be overly dominant within the streetscene due to their size, height and location, and cause loss of light to adjoining residential properties. Concerns were raised about the existing parking problems, noting there was a shortfall in proposed parking provision with the application which place additional pressure for on street parking.
Cllr Holding was not present for this item. Cllr Sevier was not present for part of this item and therefore did not vote.
Reasons for Refusal:
1. The site is located in a sensitive location within the Ringwood Conservation Area. The proposed development, by reason of its layout, size and scale, height and massing, would be over dominant within the streetscenes of Nursery Road and Hightown Road and would be out of scale with the existing character of traditionally proportioned properties. As a result, the development would have a detrimental impact on the character and local distinctiveness of the area and would fail to improve the character and quality the Ringwood Conservation Area. As such, the proposed development would be contrary to Policy ENV3 of the Local Plan Part 1 Planning Strategy, Policy DM1 of the Local Plan Part 2, the Ringwood Local Distinctiveness Supplementary Planning Document, and Chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
2. The proposed development by reason of its layout, height and massing, and consequent relationship with adjoining residential properties would lead to harmful impacts on reasonable amenity by reason of loss of light and overdominant impact. As such, this would be contrary to Policy ENV3 of the Local Plan Part 1 Planning Strategy for the New Forest outside of the National Park.
3. The proposed development is located in an area where parking problems currently exist. The shortfall of parking provision on the site would lead to an additional demand for parking in the vicinity of the site, which would exacerbate existing pressures for on street car parking and consequently lead to an unacceptable and harmful impact on highway safety. As such, it would be contrary to Policy CCC2 of the Local Plan Part 1 Planning Strategy for the New Forest outside of the National Park.
4. The recreational and air quality impacts of the proposed development on the New Forest Special Area of Conservation, the New Forest Special Protection Area, and the New Forest Ramsar site, would not be adequately mitigated and the proposed development would therefore be likely to unacceptably increase recreational and air quality pressures on these sensitive European nature conservation sites, contrary to Policy DM3 of the New Forest District Local Plan Part 2: Sites and Development ... view the full minutes text for item 16
Meeting: 14/09/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 3c)
3c 2 Nursery Road, Ringwood (Application 21/10668) PDF 448 KB
Demolish existing outbuildings; conversion of front building to 2 bed cottage; erection of 6 No 2 bed houses (7 dwellings in total); parking
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) the completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a S.106 Agreement or unilateral undertaking to secure Air Quality Monitoring and Recreational Habitat Mitigation; and
ii) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.