Issue - meetings

Town Centre Regeneration – Totton

Meeting: 04/05/2022 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 Shaping a Vision and Plan for the Future of Totton pdf icon PDF 564 KB




1.    That the approach set out in the report for the development of a Vision for Totton, be endorsed;


2.    That the principle of producing a Regeneration Plan for Totton which will replace the Totton Town Centre Urban Design Framework SPD 2003, be endorsed; and


3.    That the governance arrangements outlined in the report, be endorsed.




As set out in the report.








Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure.




As set out in the report.




Cllr Russell, for transparency purposes, declared that he was a resident of Totton.




The Portfolio Holder introduced the report and highlighted that this was the first step on an exciting journey for Totton.  No decisions would be made until local people and stakeholders had the opportunity to shape their future priorities for the area.


The Leader endorsed the recommendations and reiterated that it would be the residents’ priorities and aspirations that would drive the delivery of regeneration in Totton.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance welcomed the work, particularly in relation to town centres, which had changed significantly over a number of years, accelerated by the pandemic.


One Member welcomed the report but highlighted the need to focus on communities as much as town centres.  He suggested that waterside communities did not all see Totton as the urban centre of the waterside.


Despite the challenges with progressing a neighbourhood plan in Totton, the Leader highlighted his support for the neighbourhood planning process and cited positive examples such as New Milton, adopted by the Council in recent years.  The Chair of the Totton Neighbourhood Plan Committee confirmed that work was continuing, and a timetable would be available soon.  The Committee was keen to work with the District Council in the context of the programme of work identified in the report.

The Chairman of Totton and Eling Town Council welcomed the report and the opportunity for Totton to pursue ambitious plans for regeneration.