Issue - meetings

Asset Maintenance & Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24

Meeting: 01/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 72)

72 Asset Maintenance & Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 678 KB




That the Cabinet approve and recommend to Full Council that:


1.     The schedule of projects, as included at Appendix 1 and 2 of the Cabinet report be approved within the 2023/24 budget, noting this commits the Council to expenditure beyond 23/24 whereby a project commences in 2023/24 and extends into future years; and


2.     The Vehicle & Plant replacement programme be approved for a 2 year period, covering purchases due in 2023/24 and 2024/25.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Finance, Investment and Corporate Services




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder reported the significant expenditure proposed to be spent in order to maintain and replace assets.  The Council was in a fortunate position that this multi million pound programme could be funded and he spoke of the need to maintain and replace equipment.  He was pleased to be able to present the report and felt that the finances of the Council were well run with prudent financial management.


The Section 151 officer confirmed that the report looked at the proposed future expenditure in relation to the asset maintenance and replacement programme and the general fund capital projects for 2023/24.  It provided an indicative budget to 2024/25.


The Asset maintenance and replacement budget was financed through the general fund revenue budget.  The proposed budget for next year aligned to the proposed projects listed in the report.  The Capital programme was proposed to be funded in several ways; through external grant funding, CIL, developer contributions and NFDC resources.


Significant expenditure had been allocated towards the cyclical replacement of older vehicles with greener, cleaner and more fuel efficient vehicles.  The programme also included, a provisional sum to the Hardley Depot Project, in order to provide a suitable facility to deliver one of the key front line services.


A member of Cabinet spoke about the Council funding the Hardley depot at a cost of £7 million, as a huge level of investment for the long term which would provide a new modern efficient facility.  He also highlighted the importance and benefits of expenditure on the public conveniences modernisation programme. 


In response to a question regarding the impact of inflation on the programme, the Portfolio Holder reported that adjustments had been made in the report to account for inflation and that a prudent approach had been taken, however it was not possible to guarantee the figures within the report would not increase.