Issue - meetings

Waste Strategy

Meeting: 06/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Waste Strategy 2022-2027 pdf icon PDF 876 KB

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1.     That the Cabinet, having considered the recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Overview & Scrutiny Panel, approves and recommends to Council the adoption of the Waste Strategy 2022-2027. The adoption of the Strategy includes changes to frontline services and one-off transition costs as follows:


a.     the introduction of a weekly food waste collection service

b.     the adoption of a two-weekly, “twin stream” recycling service to enable residents to recycle a greater range and quantity of recyclable materials (collected on the opposite week to general waste)

c.      the introduction of a two-weekly collection of general waste (collected on the opposite week to recycling)

d.     the use of wheeled bins for general waste and mixed recycling, with paper and card collected in a reusable bag

e.     the use of wheeled bins for garden waste collections (collections remain two-weekly)

f.       transition funding of £1.1m is required to mobilise the roll-out of the new strategy, including delivery of new bins, temporary staff, communications and education. Beyond the transition period, communications and education will continue to have a vital role in reducing waste and increasing recycling.


2.     That authority is delegated to the Executive Heads in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Coastal Services to take all operational decisions to implement the above recommendations and all aspects of the Strategy.


3.     That the progression of the strategy is on the understanding that new burdens funding will cover the increased costs associated with food waste collection.


4.     That the council continue to monitor progress at national and regional level to ensure that Strategy implementation is compliant and delivered in the most financially efficient manner.


5.     That allowance is made within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Planning to accommodate a variety of funding scenarios until clarity on new burdens and new income is provided.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Environment and Coastal Services.




As set out in the report.




The Leader of the Council, for transparency purposes, declared his responsibility as Hampshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Environment Strategy.  Hampshire County Council was noted as the Waste Disposal Authority.




The Cabinet heard from two members of the public, speaking against the recommendations in the report, in accordance with the Council’s public participation scheme.


Mr Ralph Kent cited concerns on the Waste Strategy in the following four themes, and further questioned the Council in respect of these areas, having recently attended the Environment and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel:-


·        Consultation – in respect of the alternative options that might be available to wheeled bins.

·        Environmental – in respect of the opportunity to implement food waste collections outside of the wider Waste Strategy aims, and the importance of ensuring recycling was measurable and accountable in the UK rather than being sent overseas.

·        Procurement – assurances for an open, transparent process.

·        Accountability – for the meeting of targets set within the strategy.


Mr Tony Watts  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12