Issue - meetings
New Forest District Council Air Quality Plan
Meeting: 06/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 82)
82 New Forest District Council Air Quality Plan PDF 294 KB
To be advised that the Secretary of State has approved this Council’s Final Plan for addressing air quality around Totton.
Additional documents:
(a) That the approval of the Air Quality Final Plan for New Forest District Council be noted; and.
(b) That the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Service continue to work on improving air quality throughout the New Forest District and to take opportunities to work with neighbouring authorities.
Members recalled that on 18 December 2018 (minute 65 refers) they had agreed the Council’s Air Quality Final Plan for submission to Government. The Air Quality Plan set out how compliance with the EU Ambient Air Quality Directive for nitrogen dioxide, as an annual mean, would be delivered for the New Forest District in the shortest possible time. This was part of the wider work for the Air Quality Management Zone for the City of Southampton.
Following extensive research and modelling, in collaboration with Southampton City Council, it had been concluded that this District would comply with the required air quality standards by 2020, but that no measures could be identified that would bring compliance forward in time. As a consequence, the Council’s recommendation to the Government had been that there should be a “business as usual” approach in this District. Confirmation had now been received from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dr Theresa Coffey, that the Council’s Plan had been approved. Members were pleased to note that this was the first Final Plan to be approved nationally and also that the close and productive relationship between this Council and Southampton City Council had been specifically recognised.
Members were advised that work would continue, throughout the District, to improve air quality and also that monitoring along the A35 and around Totton would continue to ensure that the expected air quality improvements were achieved. Members welcomed the commitment to develop an air quality strategy to ensure the best possible standards for residents across the District.
(a) That the approval of the Air Quality Final Plan for New Forest District Council be noted; and.
(b) That the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services continue to work on improving air quality throughout the New Forest District and to take opportunities to work with neighbouring authorities.