Issue - meetings

National Waste Strategy - Consultation Arrangements

Meeting: 06/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 81)

National Waste Strategy - Consultation Arrangements

To receive a presentation on the recently published National Waste Strategy consultation arrangements and themes for the consultation.  The Cabinet is asked to agree the methodology to respond as the implications for this Council could be significant.  It is suggested that the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services appoints a Task and Finish Group for this purpose.






(a)       That a task and finish group be appointed to advise the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Affairs on the response to be submitted to the Government;


(b)       That the Council work with the partner organisations in Project Integra to inform and develop the Council’s response; and


(c)       That the Project Integra funded model for analysing the proposals be also used to inform the Council’s response.




Cllr E J Heron disclosed an interest as a member of Hampshire County Council which was also involved in the waste collection process.


The Cabinet received a presentation on the recently published National Waste Strategy consultation arrangements and themes for the consultation.  The National Waste Strategy could, potentially, have significant implications for this District both directly and through Project Integra, which was the partnership for handling waste in Hampshire.  There were 4 consultation strands, each supported by a separate document.  The 4 consultation topics were:


·      Consistency in household and business recycling

·      Reforming packing responsibility in the UK

·      Deposit Return Scheme

·      Plastic Packaging Tax


The consultation on each of these documents closed at the end of May, with potential implementation dates up to 2023. 


It was noted that the first 3 of these documents potentially could have significant implications for this District, while the fourth may have some indirect effects, although it was mainly directed towards manufacturers.  Members considered that it was essential that this Council’s views were taken into account in the developing proposals.  This area had additional requirements and constraints imposed by the special nature of the National Park and these must be properly taken into account.


Members considered that the developing proposals had the potential to achieve significant environmental benefits and welcomed the opportunity that this presented.


The Cabinet considered how to develop the Council’s response to the proposals. 




(a)       That a task and finish group be appointed to advise the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services on the response to be submitted to the Government;


(b)       That the Council work with the partner organisations in Project Integra to inform and develop the Council’s response; and


(c)       That the Project Integra funded model for analysing the proposals be also used to inform the Council’s response.