Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/12/2018 - Council (Item 50)

Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by not later than noon on Friday 7 December 2018.)



Question 1


Cllr Maureen Holding asked the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services whether those who performed essential public services, such as firefighters, would still be eligible for Council housing under the Council’s proposed new Allocation Policy.


The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the draft new Allocation Policy specifically dealt with key workers, which included fire fighters.  The policy gave appropriate priority to these groups when allocating Council housing.  No change had been made in relation to key worker housing.


Question 2


Cllr David Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure about the latest position with regard to traffic management arrangements in the New Forest District.

The Portfolio Holder reported that details had been set out in the report to Cabinet dated 7 November 2018.  The Cabinet had rejected the proposed terms for the agency agreements for on-street parking enforcement and traffic management.


Cllr Harrison asked a supplementary question regarding the safety concerns which could arise if no agreement was reached between the District Council and Hampshire County Council.  The Portfolio Holder felt that there would be no safety implications as Hampshire County Council would resume responsibility for traffic management.



Question 1


From Cllr Maureen Holding to Cllr Jill Cleary, Portfolio Holder for Housing Services:


“Can the Portfolio Holder confirm that those within our community who perform an essential public service for the New Forest community, for example our wonderful fire fighters, will still be eligible for Council housing under the council’s proposed new Allocation Policy?”



The Portfolio Holder reported that the draft new Allocation Policy specifically dealt with key workers, which included fire fighters.  The policy gave appropriate priority to such groups when allocating Council housing.  No change had been made to the Allocation Policy in relation to key worker housing.


Question 2


From Cllr David Harrison to Cllr Edward Heron, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure:


"Where do things now stand with regard to Traffic Management arrangements in the New Forest District?"


The Portfolio Holder reported that details had been set out in the report to the Cabinet dated 7 November 2018, which had agreed to reject the proposed terms for the agency agreements for on-street parking enforcement and traffic management.


Cllr Harrison asked a supplementary question regarding the safety concerns which would arise if no agreement was reached between the District Council and Hampshire County Council.  The Portfolio Holder felt that there would not be any safety implications as Hampshire County Council would resume responsibility for traffic management.