Issue - meetings

Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Procurement Strategy pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider and approve and update to the Council’s Procurement Strategy.



Additional documents:




(a)         That the Procurement Strategy 2018-2022, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 12 to the Cabinet, be approved; and


(b)         That the Service Manager (Legal) in consultation with the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation be delegated authority to make minor amendments to the Procurement Strategy 2018-2022.





Members considered an updated Procurement Strategy, to cover the period 2018-2022.  The new document took into account the change to a centre-led procurement model and recent changes to Contract Standing Orders.  The aim of the new Procurement Strategy was to support the delivery of value for money through planned and responsive procurement that contributed to delivering the Council’s Corporate Plan and met the needs of customers and local businesses.  Members were particularly pleased to note the efforts being made to encourage local businesses of all sizes to consider being a supplier to the Council.  They were advised that a number of workshops had been arranged for local businesses to advise them of the opportunities that were available and these sessions had been well attended.




(a)         That the Procurement Strategy 2018-2022, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 12 to the Cabinet, be approved; and


(b)         That the Service Manager (Legal) in consultation with the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation be delegated authority to make minor amendments to the Procurement Strategy 2018-2022.