Issue - meetings
ICT Strategy 2018-2022
Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 ICT Strategy 2018-2022 PDF 56 KB
To consider the Council’s ICT Strategy for 2018-2022 and to recommend it to the Council for adoption.
Additional documents:
- ICT Strategy Appendix 1, item 16 PDF 1 MB
- ICT Strategy Appendix 1 (a), item 16 PDF 73 KB
- ICT Strategy Appendix 1 (b), item 16 PDF 126 KB
That the ICT Strategy 2018-2022, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 11 to the Cabinet, beapproved.
Members considered the proposed ICT Strategy 2018-2022, which set out the Council’s approach and plans for the future delivery of ICT services, demonstrating how this would support the Organisational Strategy. It would provide the framework for discussions and decisions on future ICT operational and transformational priorities over the coming years, and integrate with the human resources, customer and accommodation strategies.
That the ICT Strategy 2018-2022, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 11 to the Cabinet, beapproved.