Issue - meetings
Meeting: 10/09/2018 - Council (Item 31)
Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A
To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by no later than noon on Friday 7 September 2018.)
Question 1
Cllr David Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about the number of complaints received by NFDC relating to operations at Eling Wharf, Totton, since Associated British Ports took ownership of the site and whether they had increased. The Portfolio Holder reported that in 2015/16 two complaints had been received relating to dust issues. In 2017 two complaints regarding noise from the site had been received and these had been discussed with the previous land owner. In 2018, to date four complaints had been received. ABP had met officers on site, in an endeavour to resolve the issues and they were looking to relocate some of their tenants away from the residential area.
Question 2
Cllr Mark Steele asked Cllr Jill Cleary, Portfolio Holder for Housing Services about the number of households/families in B&B accommodation offered alternative temporary accommodation since 1st April 2018 when the Homelessness Reduction Act had come into force. The Portfolio Holder said that between 1 April to 31 August 2018, 74 households had been accommodated into emergency accommodation from a total of 909 approaches for assistance. 39 households had been moved on to suitable accommodation. On 31 August, 35 households remained in emergency accommodation, with alternative accommodation secured for 7 of these households. Plans to accommodate the remaining 28 were being worked through.
Question 3
Cllr Steve Clarke asked Cllr Diane Andrews, Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs, aboutanti-social activity around the recreation ground in New Milton and the fact that trees may have affected full efficiency and use of CCTV. He highlighted the need for a reporting procedure for early action in these circumstances. The Portfolio Holder reported that the control room staff did monitor issues with foliage obstructing cameras. Trees changed throughout the year and were sometimes problematic for all CCTV systems.
A CCTV Partnership Agreement with Town and Parish Councils had been drafted and distributed. The agreement sought to encourage communication. It was hoped that Town and Parish Councils would continue to assist with tree issues on their land. Regular meetings would be held. The Portfolio Holder invited Cllr Clarke to visit the CCTV control room.
Cllr Clarke asked a supplementary question regarding the proposals for mobile CCTV cameras. The Portfolio Holder reported that the matter was progressing and that appropriate systems were being explored.
Question 1
From Cllr David Harrison to Cllr Alison Hoare, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services:
"How many complaints has NFDC received relating to operations at Eling Wharf, Totton, since Associated British Ports took over ownership of the site and is this a significant increase over the situation beforehand?"
The Portfolio Holder reported that in 2015 and 2016 two complaints had been received relating to dust from Eling Wharf. The 2016 complaint had referred to the demolition of a building, by the previous land owner. Unfortunately the building had previously shielded local residents from operational noise. In 2017 two complaints had been received regarding noise from the site and these had been discussed with the previous land owner.
In 2018 to date, four complaints had been received, two related to noise, one to dust, and the final complaint to vehicles in Rumbridge Street. ABP had met officers on site, in an endeavour to resolve the issues and they were looking to relocate some of their tenants away from the residential area.
Question 2
From Cllr Mark Steele, to Cllr Jill Cleary Portfolio Holder for Housing Services:
“Can the Cabinet Member for Housing confirm how many of the households/families in B&B accommodation have now been offered alternative temporary accommodation since 1st April 2018 when the Homelessness Reduction Act came into force?”
The Portfolio Holder said that between 1 April to 31 August 2018, 74 households had been accommodated into emergency accommodation from a total of 909 approaches for assistance to the Housing Options Team. Through the team’s positive work with these households, 39 had been moved on to suitable accommodation. On 31 August, 35 households remained in emergency accommodation, with alternative accommodation secured for 7 of these households. Plans to accommodate the remaining 28 were being worked through.
Officers were making great strides to prevent many more households from becoming homeless. The work of the Homelessness Task and Finish Group was proving invaluable, both in understanding the scale of the homeless situation in the Forest but also in coming up with measures to assist those most in housing need within our communities. Work was taking place on a Homelessness Strategy and a number of other initiatives were being considered to help homeless families find their feet again.
Question 3
From Cllr Steve Clarke to Cllr Diane Andrews, Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs
“Following some anti-social activity around the recreation ground in my ward in New Milton, I reported that trees may have been affecting full efficiency and use of CCTV. Working with the Town Council and the CCTV control room, problems were identified, and the Town Council has now undertaken sympathetic tree management to resolve the problem. Would the portfolio holder consider the introduction of a simple reporting procedure to enable control room staff to inform towns and parishes when such problems are starting to arise so that early action can be taken to prevent this happening and ensure the efficiency of the system; and does ... view the full minutes text for item 31