Issue - meetings

Safer New Forest Partnership Plan

Meeting: 04/04/2018 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 Safer New Forest Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To consider the Action Plan for the Safer New Forest Partnership for the forthcoming year and to recommend it to the Council for approval.



Additional documents:




That the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan 2018/19, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 5 to the Cabinet, be approved.




The Cabinet considered the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan for 2018/19, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 5 to the Cabinet.  The high level priorities for the coming year were:


1.      Children at risk

2.      Modern slavery and human trafficking

3.      Drug related harm

4.      Develop consistent recognition and access to support for victims of domestic abuse


The Plan set out a detailed action plan to support the identified priorities, as well as demonstrating how the Partnership would meet its obligations to engage with the community.  This Council, as part of the domestic abuse forum, was one of the lead partners for the actions related to reducing domestic abuse.




That the Safer New Forest Partnership Plan 2018/19, as attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 5 to the Cabinet, be approved.