Issue - meetings

Future Forest Recreation Management Strategy Partnership Consultation

Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 Future Forest Recreation Management Strategy Partnership Consultation pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To be advised of the findings of the recent consultation undertaken by the National Park Authority regarding recreation management in the Forest and to confirm this Council’s commitment to continued partnership working to progress the next stage of the process of the review of the Strategy.



Additional documents:




That the content of the “Findings” and “Next Steps” reports be noted and it be confirmed that this Council will continue its commitment to partnership working to help draft the new actions for the update to the Recreation Management Strategy 2010-2030.




The Cabinet was advised of the findings of a “call for views” consultation led by the National Park Authority on the review of their Recreation Management Strategy 2010-2030.  As one of the organisations with a remit for managing recreation in the National Park this Council was one of the 6 statutory organisations represented on the Recreation Management Strategy Steering Group, together with the Forestry Commission, Verderers of the New Forest, Natural England, the County Council and the National Park Authority. 


The analysis of the responses received to the consultation was set out in the Findings Report which was attached as Appendix 1 to Report Item 7 to the Cabinet, while the proposed “Next Steps” report was attached as Appendix 2.  It was expected that a new suite of actions would be developed, focussed on protecting the special landscapes of the Forest and managing recreation for local people and visitors.  This would involve careful liaison between the key stakeholders and would be the subject of further consultation during the coming summer.  It was noted that, in future, the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing would attend meetings of the Strategy Steering Group, in addition to the officers, to carry forwards this Council’s commitment to playing its part in the process.




That the content of the “Findings” and “Next Steps” reports be noted and it be confirmed that this Council will continue its commitment to partnership working to help draft the new actions for the update to the Recreation Management Strategy 2010-2030.