Issue - meetings
Review of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries
Meeting: 06/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 49)
49 Review of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries PDF 56 KB
To agree the response to be made in respect of the Government’s consultation on revisions to the parliamentary constituency boundaries.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 to Parliamentary Boundaries Review, item 49
- Appendix 2 to Parliamentary Boundaries Review, item 49
That, as the current position of two self-contained Parliamentary Constituencies covering New Forest District cannot be maintained under the new rules, no objection be raised to the revised arrangements proposed by the Boundary Commission for the New Forest East and New Forest West Parliamentary Constituencies.
The Cabinet was advised that, following an initial consultation process in 2016, the Boundary Commission had published revised proposals for changes to the Parliamentary constituency boundaries. The proposals that affected the New Forest District were set out in Report Item 5 to the Cabinet and Appendix 2 to the report.
It was noted that the proposals achieved an electorate of 71,289 for New Forest West and 72,750 for New Forest East, which was within the required 5% of the “electoral quota” of 74,757. The Cabinet recalled that it had already been accepted that the retention of 2 constituencies self-contained within the New Forest District was not viable.
That, as the current position of two self-contained Parliamentary Constituencies covering New Forest District cannot be maintained under the new rules, no objection be raised to the revised arrangements proposed by the Boundary Commission for the New Forest East and New Forest West Parliamentary Constituencies.