Issue - meetings

Corporate Peer Challenge - Feedback Report

Meeting: 06/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 Corporate Peer Challenge - Feedback Report pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To receive the report of the Peer Review Group.



Additional documents:




That the content of the Corporate Peer Challenge Feedback Report and the intention to develop an action plan in response be noted.




The Cabinet received the feedback report from the Peer Review Group that had visited the Council in October.


The Peer Review Group had spent 4 days on site, undertaking extensive research to focus on the 5 subject areas on which the Council had sought feedback.   The Group had made 8 key recommendations:


a)       Develop the strategic framework with underpinning action plans to deliver the Council’s vision for the broader district area;

b)       Align the Medium Term Financial Plan and investment strategies within that strategic framework;

c)       Consider alternative models for delivery through options appraisals and the use of external expertise to most effectively achieve the Council’s objectives;

d)       Invest in the ICT infrastructure to leverage change;

e)       Engage with staff and managers in developing the future direction of travel for the Council;

f)         Review levels of decision making to empower managers and staff to deliver;

g)       Review the requirements for more formal engagement arrangements with the National Park Authority including, to be fully effective, a review of current appointments to the National Park;

h)       Prepare a robust and sound Local Plan, in a realistic but timely way.


Further details were set out in the feedback report which was appended to Report Item 4 to the Cabinet.  Members were advised that the next step would be for the Council to develop an action plan and it was intended that this would be presented to the Cabinet early in 2018.  The report, action plan and the Council’s position statement would be published on the Council’s website.


It was noted that a follow-up visit should take place between 12 and 24 months after the initial visit by the Peer Review Group.




That the content of the Corporate Peer Challenge Feedback Report and the intention to develop an action plan in response be noted.