Issue - meetings
Financial Monitoring Report - Based on Performance to September 2017
Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 42)
42 Financial Monitoring Report - Based on Performance to September 2017 PDF 118 KB
To receive and update on the 2017/18 budget, adjusted for any budget changes required (on a portfolio and Committee basis), taking into account the financial performance of the Council between April and September 2017.
That the latest budget forecasts for the General Fund (paragraph 3.2), Capital (paragraph 4.1) and Housing Revenue Account (paragraph 5.1) as set out in Report Item 5 to the Cabinet be noted.
The Cabinet was updated on the Council’s financial performance for the period April to September 2017.
Savings, additional income and rephasings into earmarked reserves, together with a small additional requirement of £25,000, created a further overall net reduction in the General Fund budget which now stood at £16.138 million. Further details were set out in Section 3 of the report.
There were no new significant variations to report on capital expenditure in either the General Fund or the Housing Revenue Account.
With respect to the Housing Revenue Account a favourable variation of £153,000 had been identified, further details of which were set out in Section 5 of the report.
That the latest budget forecasts for the General Fund (paragraph 3.2), Capital (paragraph 4.1) and Housing Revenue Account (paragraph 5.1) as set out in Report Item 5 to the Cabinet be noted.